Choosing Cuba Over Zionist "Israel"
Because of the horrific atrocities Zionist "Israel" has committed against the beautiful people of Palestine, the entire planet has a tendency to forget those heinous crimes against our Mother continent and the diasporic nations.
After Cuba’s people and revolution scored a groundbreaking diplomatic victory at the United Nations back in June, a growing sentiment began to spread across the world that US Imperialism and Zionist "Israel", will finally come to the realization maintaining this outdated stance against 184 nations unequivocally opposed to them is indeed both a losing and embarrassing battle. Unfortunately, if Zionist "Israel" remains intact, they will feel a sense of obligation to work for the demise of any nation at odds that their wicked kith and kin seek to destroy. This ruthless point of view was ignited when the Balfour Declaration was issued in November 1917, and US President Harry S. Truman officially announced their existence in May 1948.
This narrative can serve as a much-needed backdrop to the grouping of US and other Diaspora born Africans, whose main point of reference to the wickedness of Zionist "Israel" was the UN conference against racism, xenophobia, and other related intolerances in Durban, South Africa twenty years ago when the Bush administration attempted to sabotage the gathering if Reparations, Physical Captivity (slavery), and the Palestinian question were agenda items.
Those Africans, who were blessed to attend the conference in Durban, got the opportunity to see Comandante Fidel Castro at his very best, expressing Cuba’s unwavering support for Reparations for displaced Africans throughout the diaspora, undying solidarity for our Palestinian Sisters and Brothers and lastly the debt Cuba’s revolution owes to Africa for Settler Colonialism and Physical Captivity.
What Mother Africa’s daughters and sons everywhere have at their disposal is a lengthy trail of genocidal overtures by Zionist "Israel", which stem from both Palestinian solidarity and their quest to play catch up with other members of the US-EU Imperialism, since the Zionist Movement was founded 12 years after the Berlin Conference in 1885.
From the moment Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Gamal Abdel Nasser pledged their camaraderie and solidarity for the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, Africans everywhere on the path of revolution consider this historical bright spot in the Americas, part of the anti-colonialist legacy and pantheon that led to 37 African nations gaining flag independence from settler-colonial rule between 1957 and 1960.
Those amongst our ranks who never stood up to Zionist "Israel" prior to the spectacle around Durban, perhaps had no knowledge of their decision to refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Algeria and Tunisia at the United Nations. This includes Zionist "Israel’s" support for the Apartheid regimes in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, and Mozambique when they have illegally occupied settler colonies just like Palestine.
Because of the horrific atrocities Zionist "Israel" has committed against the beautiful people of Palestine, the entire planet has a tendency to forget those heinous crimes against our Mother continent and the diasporic nations. It was none other than the late Zionist congressman Tom Lantos who coerced the Congressional Black Caucus, to vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001. In the 1990s Mr. Lantos was the driving force behind the US Congress condemning Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad, for exposing the barbaric nature of Zionist "Israel".
Since these crimes of humanity are no secret, the African Union’s decision to grant Zionist "Israel" observer status, is the ultimate spit in the face of both our most noble warriors and everyday people.
Before we can begin to absorb the magnitude of this outright political insult, the fact that 46 African nations have diplomatic ties with Zionist "Israel", is nothing to sneeze at or take for granted.
As much as it hurts us to admit, Zionist "Israel" already had observer status when the African Union was still the Organization of African Unity but lost that underserved privilege after the OAU has been disbanded and replaced the AU. The late Palestinian giant and champion Yasser Arafat who used to attend the OAU Liberation Committee meetings and deliver riveting messages of solidarity to our liberation movements in Southern Africa must be turning over in his grave. We should also check the burial sites of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Agostinho Neto, Edward Mondlane, Samora Machel, Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe, Robert Mugabe for similar vibrations in response to this matter.
We remember Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah telling us that “Africa is a paradox which illustrates and highlights neo-colonialism”, while Zionist "Israel" having AU observer status makes Mother Africa’s children in tune with their ancestral fighting spirit want to vomit, history obligates us to recommend an alternative that helps the masses of our people sleep better at night. Watching Neo-Colonialist African heads of state bow before Zionist "Israel", also suggests that these puppets and zombies have no knowledge of Guinee’s role under the leadership of the Pan African giant Ahmed Seku Ture, in pushing the resolution 3379 Zionism is Racism at the UN back in 1975.
The bright spot of the predominantly neo-colonialist African Union is that they courageously vote against the US blockade on Cuba, and only US Imperialism and Zionist "Israel" are fighting harder than ever to maintain.
If we believe that Frederick Douglass was correct when he said that “Power concedes nothing without demand”, then we should be prepared to issue the African Union the following challenge immediately, Zionist "Israel" be immediately stripped of observer status and replaced with the revolutionary government of Cuba.
We dare to correct the mistake of the civil/human rights icon Bayard Rustin, whose rise for supporting UNITA in Angola was to prevent Cuba's rising influence in Southern Africa and writing the war criminal Golda Meir a letter of praise for slaughtering Palestinian Women, Children, and Men.
Those like the international celebrated entertainer Harry Belafonte who are friends with both Zionist "Israel" and Revolutionary Cuba, have to make a choice, we just hope it’s the correct one.
This challenge should be posed not only on Mother Africa’s soil but through the AU’s sixth region, which follows the logic of how the African Union views their extended bloodline in the diaspora. Based on definition and narrative, on paper, they say, “Consisting of people of African origin living outside the continent, irrespective of their citizenship and nationality and who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the African Union”.
On the other hand, although Cuba’s military, political, and humanitarian support to Mother Africa is too long to list, we shout it the world over out of a sense of obligation and gratitude. The 4,000 doctors functioning all over African soil, guerilla fighters whose blood graces the soil of Angola, military advisors to the Polisario guerillas fighting Moroccan troops, training 3,000 Zimbabwean teachers from 1986-1996, helping with the vaccinating of 2 million Burkinabe children during the reign of Thomas Sankara, decorated medical service throughout the Caribbean and finally Africans at home and abroad being trained at the Latin American School of Medical Sciences.
Because we anticipate the predominantly neo-colonialist head of state that make up the current-day African Union, smugly and sarcastically responding to this revolutionary demand by asking who is qualified to be Zionist "Israel’s" replacement if they miraculously acquiesce. The only appropriate gesture at that point is to wave the flag of Cuba on every grain of African soil, and every nation that comprises the African diaspora. After this nothing else needs to be said, the ball will be in their court, making the annals of history the ultimate pressure cooker.