Let's denazify the world, end the colonial regime of "Israel"
Once the colonial regime of "Israel" is abolished, it will be a withering blow for the international Zionist fascist movement.
Zionism is the engine of imperial fascism of our historical time and its abolition must be the struggle of our contemporaneity.
Three aspects to mention: Zionism has usurped the Semitic monotheism (Arab ancestor), falsified History, and thus justified the colonization of Palestine and consequently the colonization of the Arab-Persian-Kurdish world.
This falsification of History is accepted and even sanctified, since among others it is the bearer of an aesthetic splendor: The "people" (Europeans - not Semites - of Jewish religion) returning to their ancestral land after 2000 years. The land that God promised to the Jews. The secular world is trapped in this aesthetic fraud, not only mediatic but also academic, and intellectual.
The other aspect is the articulate ramification and ingenuity in the world power of the international Zionist movement that we all know.
The third point is the European Jewish Holocaust (European against European), in which Zionism has made of this a whole necrophilia to blackmail, to harass. A sacred world of effective bullying to repress, to silence anyone who cries out for justice for the Palestinian people in the face of colonialism. The worst thing about the humiliating accusation of antisemitism is that we have allowed ourselves to be subdued, that is the worst thing, we have failed humanity, believing ourselves to be intelligent, objective and humanistic in the face of this human pain that Zionism has turned into its sadistic moral aesthetics.
We need an intellectual revolution, that is to say, an honest one, without aromatic pirouettes that skillfully flow from self-censorship... Beyond saying solidarity with the Palestinian people, it is time to say the end of "Israel's" colonial regime and the end of Zionist fascism.
The creation of the colonial regime of "Israel" in Palestine is a betrayal of the memory of the Jewish Holocaust, it is a stormy human decomposition and it is not a matter of memory but a matter of saving the native Palestinian people from colonial extermination.
The Nazi Holocaust against the Jews is a pain that should have been dealt with correctly to lead a nobler world.
We already know the links of Zionism and the West with Nazism (United States, England, Canada, etc.), although we still have more to know. But it is such a censored subject that it is difficult to spread, I insist, as the sophisticated propagandist totalitarianism of the international Zionist movement makes it look and feel not credible, apart from demonizing you, going to jail or ruining your life. I personally have avoided this dreadful subject. I preferred to be smart, a euphemism for my cowardice.
In the context of the current war (Russia-China) vs (US-NATO) through Ukraine, in which since 2014 Nazi sentiment and method is driving the governmental power in Ukraine, in coordination with NATO, US and the colonial regime of "Israel". But this time openly, loudly. With a Slavic-Jewish, Nazi, Zionist, Israeli president.
Nazism, in much less proportion, has been alive as a sentiment and operative, but in a hidden way. Well, this open Nazi particularity is my opportunity to come out of my cowardice, called intelligence.
There is a Jewish minority that has worthily denounced Ukrainian nazism, but the colonial regime of "Israel" is a moral and armed arm of this Nazi-Zionist confraternity and that is intrinsically or inherently to the Aryan, Aryan Nazi-Zionist supremacist sentiment.
...A friend of mine said to me reluctantly: Susana, in Europe there are those who do not forgive that Russia (the former USSR) has overthrown Nazism....
The Nuremberg Trial was a mockery, a necessary fraud, where many Nazi genocidaires were not prosecuted. Among them Stephan Banderas, a symbol today of the Ukrainian military battalions. The great Nazi genocidaires ended up being protected by the USA, working in NASA, the Pentagon and in great scientific centers.
Nazism was a path to salvation for the US, as Nazism was a bastion against communism. Nazism was also a source of pride for the American elite.
...To be anti-Jewish was characteristic of a Western Aryan Christian and to be anti-Christian was characteristic of a Western Aryan Jewish-Zionist. A mutual Aryan Jewish-Western Christian-Jewish Christian hatred... On this subject, we have not reflected and we have been subjected to their Aryan-centric misery.....
There will not be a free Arab-Persian-Kurdish world in peace or in equilibrium, as long as the colonial and expansionist regime of "Israel" exists. The existence of the Arab-Persian-Kurdish ethnic identity is threatened.
Now the open, no longer hidden support of the US-NATO and the colonial regime of "Israel" to the Nazis, they also support the Islamic terrorism of Al-Qaeda. This is morally appalling, but the worst is to continue to subjugate us and drag us into believing in the existence of this colonial anachronism as a solution for peace.
As a native Palestinian of the Diaspora, I believe that what is right is the abolition of Israeli colonial barbarism. The raison d'être of any native people before the colonizer is its abolition. And once colonialism is abolished, its colonial population should become of Palestinian citizen.
Once the colonial regime of "Israel" is abolished, it will be a withering blow for the international Zionist fascist movement, although that does not mean the end of Zionism, in the same way that the end of the Third Reich was not the end of Nazism.
Imperial fascism with its semiology instrumentalizes well the discourse of the great human values, in which it practically kidnaps it and drags us into that kidnapping through our fear, achieves our self-censorship... Imperialism instrumentalizes feminism, ecology, sex diversity, indigenism, cultural and ethnic diversity, human rights, democracy, anti-racism, tolerance, no to war, left, freedom of expression, freedom of the press. Real bulwarks of our time and life. Beware of many of these groups that skillfully avoid the struggle and analysis of class consciousness, imperialist and Zionist reality. Without these elements, these groups are a sedative, a lubricant that serves the inhuman imperial machinery.