Disillusioned and disengaged: Why I won't vote for Biden
My disillusionment with the Democratic Party was not solely based on its policy failures and lack of empathy for the people; it was also exacerbated by the tone-deaf public stunts of its leaders.
How the Democratic Party transformed into a party of war (Illustrated by Zeinab al-Hajj; Al Mayadeen English)
Once upon a time, I was an ardent believer in the ideals of the Democratic Party. Its principles of progress, equality, and the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow resonated deeply with me, filling me with hope and optimism for the future. However, as I observed the unfolding events and political maneuvers, my unwavering faith in the party began to crumble, gradually replaced by a profound sense of disappointment and disillusionment.
It became increasingly evident to me that the Democratic Party was more focused on political gamesmanship and maintaining its grip on power than addressing the pressing needs of the people. The policies it championed, once viewed as beacons of hope and catalysts for positive change, now appeared disconnected from the harsh realities of everyday life. As I looked around, I saw the voices of ordinary citizens being drowned out by the cacophony of partisan bickering and power struggles within the party's ranks.
With each passing day, my disillusionment grew, as it became painfully clear that the Democratic Party no longer embodied the values of humanity and compassion that I held dear. Instead of being a force for good, it seemed to have lost its way, succumbing to the temptations of self-interest and political expediency.
In my heart, I longed for a political alternative untainted by the corruption and moral compromises that had become all too commonplace in the current political landscape. I yearned for a party that would prioritize the needs of the people above all else, listening attentively to the voices of the streets and championing their causes with unwavering dedication and integrity.
Thus, I began to envision the emergence of an independent party, one free from the shackles of partisan politics and beholden only to the principles of honesty, integrity, and service to the common good. It would be a party with a spotless record, untarnished by the stains of political scandal and corruption, and committed wholeheartedly to building a better, fairer society for all.
In my mind's eye, I saw this new party as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change. It would be a party that transcended the narrow confines of partisan ideology, embracing diversity of thought and perspective and fostering an inclusive environment where all voices were heard and respected.
However, my disillusionment with the Democratic Party was not solely based on its policy failures and lack of empathy for the people. It was also exacerbated by the tone-deaf public stunts of its leaders, such as President Biden's infamous ice cream-eating episodes while the people of Gaza suffered. This blatant disregard for the plight of those in need reminded me of Marie Antoinette's callous indifference to the starving masses, solidifying my belief that the party had lost touch with the struggles of everyday Americans.
As a Palestinian American, like many within the Arab American community, I am deeply troubled and appalled by the foreign policy decisions of the Biden administration, particularly regarding the Palestinian issue. The administration's unwavering support for "Israel", coupled with its failure to hold "Israel" accountable for its actions, stands in stark contrast to the principles of justice and equality that America purports to uphold.
The recent events in Gaza, where innocent Palestinian lives were lost and communities were devastated, serve as a painful reminder of the urgent need for a more balanced and just approach to the cause. Despite calls for restraint and international condemnation of "Israel's" disproportionate use of force, the Biden administration continued to provide military aid and political support without demanding accountability for human rights violations.
Instead of bypassing Congress to provide unquestioning support for "Israel", the Biden administration could redirect its efforts toward addressing pressing domestic issues that impact the well-being of millions of Americans. One such issue is healthcare reform. Access to affordable and quality healthcare is a fundamental right that should be guaranteed to all Americans. By bypassing Congress, President Biden could take executive action to expand healthcare coverage, lower prescription drug prices, and improve healthcare accessibility for all.
Moreover, the burden of student loans continues to hinder the economic prosperity and mobility of countless Americans. By bypassing Congress, President Biden could implement measures to alleviate student loan debt, such as expanding loan forgiveness programs or reducing interest rates, thereby providing relief to millions of borrowers and stimulating economic growth.
Additionally, homelessness and the opioid epidemic remain urgent crises that demand immediate attention. Through executive action, the Biden administration could allocate resources and implement comprehensive strategies to address these issues, including increasing funding for affordable housing programs and expanding access to substance abuse treatment and prevention services.
With renewed determination and unwavering resolve, I embarked on a journey to advocate for the birth of this new party, one that would truly represent the hopes and aspirations of the people. It would be a party of the people, by the people, and for the people—a party dedicated to bringing back the America I chose to live in, a land of opportunity, equality, and justice for all.
However, despite my fervent desire for change, I could not in good conscience cast my vote in the upcoming elections. The realization that my voice did not truly matter in a political system that seemed increasingly disconnected from the needs and desires of ordinary Americans led me to question the efficacy of participating in the electoral process. After all, how could my vote make a difference when the very institutions meant to represent me and my values had failed so miserably?
Furthermore, as I looked around at the state of our nation, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of injustice. We Americans were burdened with insurmountable debt, left without access to basic healthcare, and struggling to make ends meet while our tax dollars were squandered on funding a government that no longer spoke to our values or addressed our needs.
In the face of such overwhelming challenges, abstaining from voting seemed like the only course of action that aligned with my principles and beliefs. It was a silent protest against a broken system, a refusal to lend legitimacy to a government that had lost its way. Until real change could be achieved, I would remain on the sidelines, watching and waiting for the emergence of a political movement that truly represented the interests of the people. My faith in the US government and its representatives had been shattered, replaced by a deep sense of disappointment and disillusionment. And as for the upcoming elections, I made the difficult decision not to cast my vote for Biden, as I could not in good conscience support a candidate who represented a party that no longer spoke to my values or addressed the urgent needs of the people.
In conclusion, the Democratic Party has sadly transformed into the party of war.