A Brave New World?
Aldous Huxley envisioned a Brave New World in 1931, perhaps we might see this come alive in 2031?
Dare we dream of a new world order but not the nightmare envisioned by the West? A world of equanimity, tolerance, mutual respect, and cooperation?
In a quote from Aldous Huxley's 1931 book on a dystopian future set in 2504 AD, he says “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them”.
While it may not be 2504 as we are living in 2023 I hold his truth to be self-evident. We are living in a world of deception, propaganda, lies, and distraction.
Hitler’s chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels famously said, ”If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.”
Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a land without a people for a people without a land, Syria using chemical weapons, Russia’s unprovoked special military operation in eastern Ukraine, Libya’s spontaneous revolution, China is a threat to world peace, the list is endless.
Each of the above is but one example of how a lie repeated for many but not all, it becomes the truth.
Western propaganda is on full throttle, from Hong Kong to Managua in Nicaragua, the trail of deceit spreads from the tabloids to the radio and then onto our television screens. A completely false representation of the world as it really is.
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.
This is merely a continuation of white European supremacy from the colonisations of the 17th century through to the financial and sometimes physical occupation of countries that are deliberately held in bondage to the modern-day equivalent of plantation owners, that is the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Such institutions offer countries, especially in Africa, and increasingly eastern Europe, financial bailouts attached to punitive repayment schedules and demand the privatisation of public companies, like oil, water, gas, etc… as they enslave the country with crippling debt repayments which will become impossible to clear as they drain the country of its natural resources for the benefit of white Anglo-Saxon corporations and their shareholders, many of whom hold government positions and take advantage of the poor through our world by keeping them impoverished, malnourished, uneducated and in modern-day serfdom.
Dare we dream of a new world order but not the nightmare envisioned by the West? A world of equanimity, tolerance, mutual respect, and cooperation?
I never thought I would ever praise an American President, but thanks to bumbling Joe Biden and the Democratic party of America who have helped destroy American and Western hegemony going forward, we may very well be witnessing a collapse of the old and the birth of something much more beautiful.
As a result of the West's fascist-backed coup of 2014 in Kiev and the resulting 8 years-war on Donbass which finally forced the Russian Federation to intervene to prevent a massacre, as hundreds of thousands of fascist Ukraine stormtroopers prepared to attack, the world has changed irrevocably.
Russia and China have joined together to offer a vision of a different potential future.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is the future economic lifeline for Eurasia, to include Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
The ending of the Swift banking transaction system for some has led many countries to use their own currencies in international trade.
Russia is defeating not just the Ukrainian fascists in eastern Ukraine, but the whole of NATO.
Germany has entered a recession. America is selling liquid petroleum gas to Europe at four times the price it charges at home. A huge opioid epidemic with the misuse of Fentanyl on the streets of many major US cities is further destroying the integrity and cohesion of American society.
The BRICS group of nations is expanding exponentially.
Saudi Arabia has torn itself free from Washington’s bear-like grip and refuses to continue its proxy war with Iran on behalf of American and Zionist interests in the region.
With peace within our grasp in West Asia, can we dare to imagine a prosperous and secure future for all those in the region?
As America becomes more isolated, as Europe becomes de-industrialised, and as “Israel” loses influence going forward, we might finally witness the emergence of a world built on empathy between nations, and not brutal occupation, endless wars and state terrorism used to destabilise sovereign nations as the west continues to do. They create terrorism through groups like the Kosovo Liberation Army bringing chaos to Serbia as they later ride to the rescue with NATO bombs and boots on the ground.
Let us welcome the dawning of a new age. American exceptionalism is failing.
The West is in free fall.
A wounded beast is a very dangerous animal and we may well see more death and destruction at the hands of Western interlockers, but internationally everything has changed.
Aldous Huxley envisioned a Brave New World in 1931, perhaps we might see this come alive in 2031?
Finally, global justice may overcome corporate greed.