A Fight for Truth: The American Spring
The Democrats' past choices are remembered very well, and the next generation of Americans has yet to discover how hypocritical and destructive their Democrat leaders are.
A Fight for Truth: The American Spring
Admit it: Sisi was right; so was Trump.
An American recently asked me for my analytical opinion about the situation in Egypt. This question came just prior to the outbreak of events in Europe under the leadership of Biden and the Democrats. We remember their past choices very well and the next generation of Americans has yet to discover how hypocritical and destructive their Democrat leaders are.
Her question was about “the Democratic election of the first president of Egypt within a democratic system," asserting a hopeful plea but one that lacks substance. To busy Westerners, truth is a luxury and is assumed as a moral responsibility by the Mainstream Media. So how can two worlds believe two different interpretations of history?
How can the Muslim Brotherhood regime, its subsequent overthrow, and the military coup be interpreted as “Democracy"? I assured her that June 30 was in fact a revolution where we, the people of whole Egypt, chose other than Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Never be surprised at these questions because they will cycle and be re-asked uselessly if and when Democrats rule the White House.
My answer to the heartfelt but ignorant question includes two examples both from Europe, the bastion of free thought and democracy.
The first example is Charles de Gaulle, the French leader who led France in the ordeal of World War II, and he was really the voice of Free France eventually able to unify the French resistance in its struggle against Germany.
De Gaulle is a French hero who stepped down because of strong opposition. Despite his victory in the people's referendum at the time, with a percentage that did not satisfy his conscience or his honor, this was what leadership meant for the people.
The second most famous example in human history was Germany, which had free elections with the votes of its free people. Germany exported Adolf Hitler to the world and was considered an important historical fact that only the wise would acknowledge that he himself was a European of Austrian descent. The man responsible for 60 million deaths was not Arab, Eastern, African, or Muslim. He was a person who grew up in the lands that brought Beethoven.
Beethoven knew how to play sound and create beautiful music. Hitler knew the same but planted new ideas that controlled minds with one powerful tool: Mass Media. Hitler did it with his director of Nazi propaganda, Goebbels, and succeeded to wreak havoc.
So what do Charles de Gaulle and Hitler show us about the types of leadership? When the Muslim Brotherhood sought to rule Egypt, they used a facade represented by US-backed Mohammed Morsi, who was the first “democratically elected President," except that his election was the subject of major controversy even into the last minutes.
This ‘sweeping’ and ‘historic’ victory was concluded with a very thin majority of 51%. Any reliable leader would show responsibility for the remaining 49% ‘minority’ who flatly rejected Morsi and his Muslim radicals, while US media hailed a victory for Democracy.
For Egyptians, it’s already clear that being a multi-civilizational and multicultural people, Morsi was surely not the president of Egypt that represents them, but a representative of a group - a card-carrying member of the international community's agenda for Western elites plotted by the democratic administration to destroy countries under the banner of democracy and in the name of the Arab Spring.
The same Democratic machine is indeed at play, except this time, within the US territory. Consider the 2020 US elections. By the time, Donald Trump was acquitted, he was twice impeached with (at least 51) opponents scattered throughout the media and Intel community. Had the same scenario happened in the Middle East, this would be in fact qualified as a regime change.
Despite the Western-fueled misinformation, the common voter in Egypt was aware of his moment. Many factions and groups unified only with the dutiful responsibility to save Egypt from Islamo-fascism backed by Democrats; yet in the USA at the time, Obama was still President and Morsi the American puppet as well. So, on June 30, we did not shout and chant "Down with Morsi" but rather, "Down with the rule of the Leader."
“In the spring of 2011, the US State Department scrambled as one of the members of the National Security Council said, “We didn’t know anything! Clinton’s advisers at the State Department and staff on the Egypt Office at the National Security Council drafted a cable formally instructing the embassy in Cairo to reach out to the Muslim Brothers."
This moment in history went down as a Revolution to the chagrin of Obama. Look at the current political scene and compare this Arab Spring moment with only the premeditated patterns and tactics and you will see what we are witnessing nowadays. This is the ongoing systematic regime change on US territory that happened for the USA on November 3, 2020.
The patterns they utilize are big tech algorithms, fake news, and American spies who are good at lying even to their citizens.
Since my last article, and since Hillary exposed herself as a spy with links to Russia, the responses made by the official government agencies continue to allow Biden and his criminal network to be ignored. How does the US GOV, FEC - Federal Elections Committee deal with Clinton spying? So fine. Yes, and now they will continue to focus on the mass media into culture wars unless the Americans resist.
“The Federal Election Commission has fined the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for lying about the funding of the infamous and discredited Russian “dossier”. In today's media, an uneventful January 6 protest is being portrayed as an insurrection; as an attack comparable to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, except the only believers of this propaganda are the Left in America.
Consider Benghazi, the Obama Biden Administration is on record proving to have lied to the USA for up to one week, peddling the untrue narrative that Benghazi was not an attack but rather a “protest”. One can see how fake news and the Left colluded, even long before the 2020 US elections, as John Podhoretz explains, “By blaming the wrong culprit, when naming the right culprit might interfere with their narrative."
Despite the opinion that the American society is the freest in the world, when faced with the same election meddling, the Americans did not deliver on their boasts of freedom and liberty; in fact, they failed to usurp control like any other 3rd world country which had a “military coup”.
As a historian, it would be wise today to warn the Western society that the American Spring is upon them and is spreading through the work of double agents within the American administration. Not all regime changes happen dramatically as we know, and for this reason, the American public is confused.
Perhaps the most important example now from Charles de Gaulle and Hitler is those recent elections that ended with the victory of the Democrats who would usher in the era of Islamism since the Carter era. Biden came amid a rift among his people, and instead of repairing this rift; he broke all the rules of preserving his community, all with false propaganda.
The case of Hunter Biden, President Biden's son is like Bobos, a term taken from an Egyptian movie that shows government nepotism by the great actor Adel Imam.
51 American spies who refuse to denounce proven propaganda regarding Hunter Biden's compromised laptop is not a new story, it is in fact treason. Implicated in many illegal and intelligence practices during his father's tenure as Vice President of the United States, even then-President Trump tried to question those scandals but faced historic political impeachment by Congress with the cheerleading of the mainstream news that intentionally confuse the players using smear campaigns, blackmail, and identity baiting - things which Trump repeatedly warned about despite being defamed by the fake news establishments. "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening," he warns.
With time, and enough news leaking to the public, the Americans began to see that their own elections were questionable. Biden promised to unite the USA but instead, he divided it into cultural classes and races. Now there exist two interpretations regarding the 2020 USA elections with Trump and Biden at polar odds, both harbingering through seemingly unprecedented territory in culture and politics.
The same media and intelligence agencies, which propagated that Egypt’s June 30, 2011 revolution was NOT a legitimate revolt, also claimed that Trump himself ignited an "insurrection" on Jan 6, 2021, on the Capitol Hill further by distorting facts, earning Democrats criticism from Putin and praising for himself.
This is not so absurd when considering how successful this plan proved to be, in the past. Consider US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a man of great resolve with a great reputation in the world of Law, but only after surviving one of these Democrat-led smear campaigns many years ago. Then-Senator Biden was presiding over a high-tech lynching for “uppity blacks who deign to think for themselves,” in the words of a much younger Clarence Thomas.
At the time, Biden's committee members and staffers - searched for gossip then leaked it to the media and even validated it, displaying it primetime. It is a similar process to the infamous Clinton purchased Steele Dossier. Notice the pattern here and the necessary collusion with news outlets.
These attempts to defame Justice Thomas continue even today, but this time, the Left smears him for his Conservative opinions and those of his wife. The unspoken truth is that he, being a man of power, wields much authority in the USA but tilts the Supreme Court with his opinions.
Holding a justice hostage to his ideas would seem to be an oxymoron. Attacking Clarence Thomas for personal and family matters is a standard never applied to other judges before. So what is the difference today? Justice Thomas is only a Conservative man, traditional and not beholden to the Left, and his “character-assassination attempt” in his face-off against some other lawyers is the result of him being a free-thinking Black American leader.
For now, it is Black Americans that are especially awakening the masses to Democrat-led racism. Journalist Candice Owens is the founder of Blexit, a strategic movement toward black economic independence, and has been open in criticizing the Democrats, “I believe our government is interested in liberating Ukrainians like I believe the Black Lives Matter riots were about liberating black Americans… This war is about the same thing that every war is about—money, corporate greed masquerading as some other noble cause”. says Owens in a tweet. Owens is a long time critic of the Democrats expressing concern about “importing voters to support Democratic boxes in the upcoming electoral struggle."
Is it any wonder? The American Spring continues on, but more dangerously- in full stealth. We have the same story here in Egypt as it has already happened: the theft of Egypt's national identity card machine by the Brotherhood Islamists who in turn made national ID cards for foreign voters. If you cannot earn the vote, import them! Perhaps the concept is new to the West, not to the Middle East.
This is the major question: Did Morsi & the Brotherhood learn these tricks from Obama-Biden led Democrats? And more crucially: Will the Americans be aware that their Islamist Brotherhood alliance is treasonous?
Zachary Paikin, a researcher at the European policy think tank CEPS, said that in the past, the West had nurtured Ukraine’s ambitions to join NATO without having any intentions actually allowing it to do so as it “only served to irritate Moscow to no apparent end. The endless invocation of principles at the expense of creative diplomacy and strategy is a recipe for disaster”, he told Foreign Policy.
With the Americans compromised because of a corrupt news media & Democrat spies infused within key positions, the American Spring ensues and perhaps most shockingly, it is largely unnoticed for a corrupt news media.
Considering the whole context, eventually, you will see that Trump's favorite Arab Leader is now a new major player, perhaps a leader of the Arab world in times of confusion, Sisi our proven leader chosen by the people, is now Biden's Burden.