The battle to liberate language from Zionism; on Semitism and Jewish White Supremacy
Zionists are attempting to manipulate states into including the political ideology of Zionism as a “protected group”; what I propose here is a direct frontal assault on the linguistic terms that Zionists depend on to confuse imperial publics to expose them as supremacist fanatics and completely reject all Zionist claims to peoplehood.
Since ancient times, Europeans usurped Shami lands and bastardized Shami traditions, starting from the Canaanite pantheon of Gods and their mythological stories, then the alphabet, then the usurpation of Judaism and Christianity.
Zionists are attempting to manipulate states into including the political ideology of Zionism as a “protected group”, virtually making the cult of Jewish White Supremacy the official religion of these states. As I explained in a previous article, this is happening outside judicial review in Canada and other states. For that reason, what I propose here is a direct frontal assault on the linguistic terms that Zionists depend on to confuse imperial publics and obscure the Colonialism, Genocide, and White Supremacy at the core of their project in Palestine. Similarly, the answer to the Zionist complete denial of Palestinian peoplehood and the outright dehumanization of Palestinians, and by extension, all Arabic people and Muslims on this planet, is to expose them as supremacist fanatics and completely reject all Zionist claims to peoplehood.
Zionism as a natural continuation of European obsession with Pretend-Semitism
Much effort has been spent by the “White Man” to defame the Arabic peoples and their ancestors, while simultaneously appropriating their heritage as his legacy. Understanding this relationship and its historical progress in a simplified manner will demystify the Arabic people and the fabricated White Man. And before you read this text, understand that there is nothing better or worse about Arabic people in comparison to others. This essay is not to be read as a declaration of any supremacy above others. Geography and topography are the greatest shapers of culture and the course of history. In that sense, Arabic people are a product of their lands and, more specifically, of their location at a crossroads between continents and the center of all geographically peripheral cultures, and of the fact that prior to the 1490s they and their lands were the primary conduits of culture, trade, travel, and transit between Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Arabic peoples are part of the Afro-Asian cultural-linguistic group, or what some would religiously refer to as Semitic-Hamitic (Map of Natural Borders of Afro-Asian Languages and Cultures). Notice that I did not use the terms Race and Ethnicity; both blood quantum fabrications of Colonialism and White-Supremacy. Arabic peoples are neither a Race nor an Ethnicity; rather, they are defined by their relationship with their lands. In that sense, they belong to their Geography, a vast expanse of deserts and plains with no internal natural borders obstructing the movement of peoples, that is encompassed by hard-to-penetrate natural borders of mountains, seas, and jungles. Arabic peoples are the largest branch of the Afro-Asian cultural-linguistic group, who all can trace their origins to Somalia’s northern plains, now in Ethiopia. If you follow evolutionary science, you would know that our ancestor Dinknesh "the wondrous one” (Lucy) was found there, and her descendants moved up the coast of the Red Sea and over the land bridge into Arabia, which existed before the end of the last ice age. And if you would like to map religious mythology onto history, one may say that when the land bridge between Somalia and Arabia collapsed, Adam and Eve were banished from Heaven, and then Cain killed Abel because he didn’t want to mate with a Neanderthal.
Here I want you to understand how the White Man was able to extract Arabic people from history and geography. When one mentions African people, most will not imagine Arabic people as African; and similarly when Asian peoples are mentioned, Arabic people are left out of this imaginary peoplehood. Without question, Arabic people are not European, and would never be included in imaginary Whiteness. The largest Afro-Asian people, 600 million strong, second only to the Han people in global size, are expelled from human geography by a White racial imaginary boundary that literally leaves them outside all categories. Made easier to dehumanize through this erasure, Arabic people are then never to belong to their own history or geography, which is now to be colonized and usurped by the White Man.
Since ancient times, Europeans usurped Shami lands and bastardized Shami traditions, starting from the Canaanite pantheon of Gods and their mythological stories, which were all usurped by the Greeks and Romans and cheaply transformed into their gods with new names; and the Aramaic alphabet became the Greek and Latin alphabet. Then came the usurpation of Judaism and Christianity. In fact, if we extract the divine from this relationship, we can understand the rise of Unitary religions in Afro-Asian cultures as a response to occupation by external forces and usurpation of culture. When the Canaanite pantheon was usurped, Ibrahim was born. When that didn’t work, Moses was born. When the Jewish elite collaborated with the Roman occupation, Jesus was born. When Rome usurped Christianity and moved its religious center out of Palestine; Islam was born.
“European Man” has an urge to play pretend-Semite, and then lectures Shamis on how to be true believers in the oneness of humanity. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing unique about Zionism in European history; not in its crimes or its urge to play pretend-Semite. It’s just another iteration of a European colonizer’s drive to imagine themselves as the rightful owners of native history and land.
Semites, anti-Semites and pretend-Semites
Zionists love to accuse all their critics of being “anti-Semitic”; but who or what is a Semite? The term “Semite” comes from the name of Sham or Sam, who along with his brother Ham were the two surviving sons of Prophet Noah (Nooh). Mythologically, Sham and his descendants settled in Damascus and Natural Syria; and that is why in Arabic when one says they are visiting Damascus, they don’t use the proper name in Arabic (Dimashq) but, rather, say they are visiting Sham. And when talking about Natural Syria broken up by Colonialism; they would call them Bilad al-Sham, i.e. the Homelands of Sham. Hence, a Shami or Semite is a person from Bilad al-Sham. (Map of Bilad al-Sham Regions, and Map of Sham in relation to other regions in Arabia)
In late 1880s Europe, Christian and secular White Supremacists were peddling blood-quantum race purity pseudoscience, which included referring to Jewish Germanic and Slavic citizens as Semites to infer that these Jewish Europeans were outsiders to what should be included in the National State projects they were promoting. Unlike the majority of the political currents within the Jewish communities at the time, Zionists in Europe who already agreed with the basic premise of blood-quantum race purity and were also looking to create an exclusivist National State, agreed with the Semitic labeling as it inferred on them indigeneity to Bilad al-Sham. Thus began the transformation of Jewish Europeans to pretend-Semites. From that point on, hate towards Jewish Europeans or Yiddish speakers in Europe started being referred to as anti-Semitism. This process of othering Jewish people in Europe as Semites would eventually be adopted by the Zionist movement as a way to fabricate an Indigeneity to Palestine and imagine European Jewish settlers as natives on colonized Shami land.
The original followers of Judaism, and the descendants of Prophet Moses
Let’s address another issue; who are the original followers of Judaism? Here I must note that there is no archeological evidence either in Egypt or Palestine of the existence of a “pre-Babylonian exile” Jewish people. In fact, some like the late Prof. Kamal Salibi argue that all the events of the old testament unfolded in the region south of Mecca and north of Yemen (makes sense for Solomon’s visit to Sheba). But for the sake of argument, we will pretend that the old testament is a historic fact. Religious scripture tells us Moses found out about the slaves of Pharaoh, who were Shamis (Semites) captured from the various raids of Egypt on Bilad al-Sham. He went on a quest to Sina, where he met eight daughters of a Shami Arab Bedouin and married the eldest. This Arab woman would be the mother of all the descendants of Moses. She would also be the one that guides Moses to the Burning Bush atop the mountain. In other words, according to Mythology, an Arab woman is the mother of all Jewish people, and without her, Moses would have never received his prophecies or had his divine encounter.
Moses came back and preached unity to the Shami slaves, who at the time spoke a melange dialect of Pharaonic-Semitic and did not have a written language. They marched toward Palestine and lost faith along the way. We are told they started worshiping a Golden Calf, a symbol of the Canaanite god, Ba’il. Their worship of a Canaanite deity is yet another indication that they are all Shami and not slaves from North or East Africa. When the new followers of Judaism arrived in Palestine, Moses refused to go in with them and decided to stay in Nabatian Arab lands instead. One could argue that Moses knew his people would commit the same sins as their oppressors, that they would genocide their Palestinian Shami brethren and steal their land in violation of the Ten Commandments. In any case, the new settlers adopted the Canaanite alphabet and wrote their Egyptian-Shami accent into text; again showing that Jewish “peoplehood” is inseparable from a wider Shami cultural context.
Zionism is Jewish White Supremacy
Now that we factually understand who is a Semite, and who are the original Jewish people, it becomes clear that Zionism is Jewish White Supremacy. It is true because Zionists justify the genocide of Palestinians and the disposition of their lands with a combination of the following excuses: The first justification is the claim that 5,000 years ago, God promised slaves in Egypt the land of Palestine, which they proceeded to invade, killing and enslaving its original inhabitants. This god had appointed Jews as a “Chosen People,” and thus, according to this logic, they also have the right to “return” to Palestine 5,000 years after, and once more exterminate the original inhabitants, the Palestinians, and occupy their land. This first justification is very straightforward Jewish Supremacist, not much to argue there; but it is also important to understand the original Jews never left Palestine or Bilad Al-Sham. Given everything outlined above, it is clear by now that Palestinians are at once the original Jews, the original Christians and the original Muslims. It is also important to note that the God of Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad ordained humanity as one and is a God of Mercy, and not a God of supremacy and hate as the Zionists interpret it.
The second excuse is about blood quantum. The proponents of this theory claim Jewish Slavic/Germanic/Latin Europeans have maintained a purity of blood after a mythical expulsion from Palestine 2,000 years ago. They then claim that the blood quantum of these Jewish Europeans is of higher value than that of Palestine’s indigenous inhabitants who never left the land over the past 2,000 years. Peddlers of this polished turd invented the Pretend-Semite before there was a Pretendian in Canada. Basically, Zionists falsely claim that they are inbred; and they think we all should celebrate this inbredness and not call it racist pseudoscience. The truth of the matter is that Jewish Western Europeans are descendants of Amazigh converts that settled in Iberia with their Muslim counterparts in the 8th century, and Jewish East Europeans are descendants of Khazar converts who moved north and west in the 12th century. Of all the Jews in the world, only Jewish Shamis are descendants of the original Jews along with their brethren who converted to Christianity and Islam.
The final excuse is the most bizarre; it is the claim that because Christian and Secular Europeans committed the Holocaust against their Jewish compatriots, Palestinians should pay the price of this Genocide; and that their lands and blood would suffice as atonement for White Man’s crimes. Let me be clear here, the Holocaust was a crime against humanity, but in the long history of crimes against humanity committed by Europeans over the past millennia starting from the Crusades, there is nothing outstanding or special about it, not in the scale of genocide, nor in the percentage of committed genocides from the targeted group. There are many larger crimes committed by Europeans, from the genocide of 98% of all indigenous nations in the Americas and Oceania to the massacre of 50% to 70% of many African and Asian nations. The only thing special about the Holocaust is the fact it was White on White crime. In any case, if there was to be a state created for Jewish Europeans as a consolation for the Holocaust, it should be in Germany and Poland.
It is important to point out that all this discussion is only relevant if one is religious, believes that religious texts are historical fact or hold legal relevance, and agrees with the Zionist and Supremacist interpretation of such texts. In reality, much of humanity rejects these discussions on grounds of separation of state and religion, or because they believe in different religions or interpretations of Jewish texts; and surely they cannot be forced to believe. More importantly, many followers of Judaism including the largest Orthodox sect, the Torah Jews or the Neturei Karta movement, refuse the Supremacist interpretations of Zionists. Thus it is prudent to differentiate between Zionism and Judaism, and saying Zionism is Judaism is in fact an anti-Jewish proposition.
Palestinians are the true Semites. Thus all at once, Zionists are anti-Semites for spreading hate against Palestinians, pretend-Semites for falsely claiming they are Semites, Jewish White Supremacist for promoting a Chosen-People cult and blood quantum pseudoscience, and anti-Jewish for claiming they speak for all followers of the Shami religion of Judaism.
Zionism as a bland counterfeit copy of White Supremacy
The Zionists are Jewish White Supremacists. All their propaganda is stale and unoriginal, a carbon copy of all the propaganda their Christian White Supremacist compatriots used for more than a millennium to justify genocide and colonialism. Think of the Crusader Popes and Kings who claimed they are the descendants of the apostles of Christ, and therefore have the right to colonize Palestine and genocide its people. They also said they were fulfilling “Armageddon”, that genocide will bring the “Savior” back.
Think of the colonizers of the Americas, who also claimed they are a chosen people, that they found the Promised Land. They then received a religious decree from the Pope claiming terra nullius, “no one’s land,” and that the indigenous peoples are non-human, which is repurposed in the Zionist phrase about Palestine as “a land without a people, for a people without a land,” and the Palestinians as “Goyim” soulless sacks of human flesh.
Think of the religious Pilgrims who claimed they were persecuted in Europe, came to the Americas and genocided Indigenous Nations, and then made a Thanksgiving Holiday of it. Today the Zionists use the persecution of Jews by Nazis to justify their colonization of Palestine and then ask all Shamis to repent for a crime they never committed on Holocaust remembrance day.
Nothing is original about Zionism, just a cheap imitation of a millennium of White Supremacy and usurpations of Shami culture and land, fading away as the sun sets on the era of White domination over humanity. Now is the perfect time to expose Zionism as Jewish White Supremacy, to demystify the Arabic people and their ancestors, and to liberate language and imagination from Zionist occupation.