The Palestinian homeland is not up for negotiations
Today we all take to the streets, we have a date with history and it is the liberation of the native Palestinian Semitic people
(illustrated by: Hady Dbouk, Al Mayadeen English)
What does my life matter when what is in danger is Humanity.
-Ernesto Che Guevara
Revolutions are born in dead ends.
- Bertolt Brecht
Part I
The Palestinian cause is the cause of a native Semitic people that today, in the 21st century, is fighting against a Eurocentric colonial anachronism called "Israel". That is all, I reiterate, that is all. Yet, so much fear inhabits us in our repressive Western world.
In 1948, from Europe and by Europeans, a colonial regime was imposed in Palestine through a fascist movement called Zionism. The Zionist movement, among other things, consists of the fabrication of a segregationist nation-state.
Now, we are facing a classic colonialism, which, unlike historical colonialism, is a colonialism that does not come from a nation but from a Eurocentric movement that aims toward the fabrication of a nation-state. This particularity of not being a people also forces them to steal the history of the native people. Now, the Jews do not constitute a nation (in the same way that Christians and Muslims are not 'nations' either). They disguise themselves as Hebrews, Israelites, etc. The Israelite is not the "Israelite described in the bible". They claim it is the land God promised them. Others argue a return to the ancestral land after 2,000 years and all the aromatic lie loaded with epic and epopee, all a hallucinating aesthetic mantle that facilitates the falsification of history.
In classic colonialism, the colonizer plunders the soil of the native and in many cases destroys the history and culture of the native, considering it sinful and savage. In some cases, however, the colonizer does not appropriate the history and culture of the natives, as the colonizer is a nation with its own history and culture.
Thus, when the colonial regime of "Israel" presents the falafel as a typical dish of "Israel", this is proof that it is not a nation and that is why it is forced to appropriate not only the history but also the gastronomy and other expressions of the Palestinian cultural heritage.
The colonizers are not only trying to expel the native people from their land, but they are also trying to expel them from history.
It is urgent to point out that the monotheistic Jewish-Christian-Muslim trilogy is an inheritance, not European but Semitic, and constitutes what today is considered the Arab ancestor. Yet, it is rather difficult or scandalous for Eurocentrism to accept this fact, even the left-wing itself can't digest this fact.
The ideologues of Zionism are well aware of its colonial particularity, that it is a colonialism that does not come from a nation, and therefore they know well that the day the native Palestinians achieve their independence, the colonizer does not have a place to return to since it is a classic colonialism. Here, I would like to pinpoint the following: They do have a point of return, though it is not commonplace, they would return to their respective lands of origin: Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, England, Morocco, Argentina, etc.)
Part II
After the expulsion of the PLO from Lebanon, the organization lost coordination, and it was in 1987 that a genuine popular uprising broke out inside Palestine called Intifada. "Israel's" colonial regime was lost, disarticulated, and for the first time massively discredited.
The great and criminal mistake was that the uprising stopped; to have mutilated the Intifada. The Intifada should have been allowed to continue. It was a historic opportunity for liberation. The Intifada was hijacked and the Palestinian leadership entered into negotiations with colonialism.
Three decades ago, a Palestinian copula entered into negotiations with the colonial regime of "Israel".
Semantically, to speak in terms of negotiations is a vulgarity, although it is true. Yet, there were negotiations, and Palestine was being negotiated.
There are no people without heroes and no people without traitors.
The negotiations are leading the native Palestinian people to the slaughterhouse. The negotiations are contributing to the end of the existence and continuity of the 11,000-year-old native Semitic people. Colonial Zionism is advancing in its expansionist and criminal extermination enterprise.
The peaceful struggle has also become censored. For example, the Boycott, which is a Gandhian heritage and South African praxis against Apartheid, was even practiced by the Jews in the United States against the Nazi Regime. Today, to speak of BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) can be a reason for imprisonment. Colonial Zionist expansionist fascism is advancing.
Already some traitorous Arab tyrannies are openly normalizing their relations with that colonial genocidal regime, on the blood of their own Arab brothers and sisters, thus jeopardizing the sovereignty of their own people. Let us remember that this colonialism is expansionist, the project of "Greater Israel" is not limited to Palestine, but also to other Arab peoples. Zionist colonial expansionist fascism is advancing.
The Persian government of Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement are some of the great moral, political, and military reserves resisting for the liberation of the Palestinian people, in the face of "Israel's" colonial and expansionist anachronism.
The engine, the brain of the colonial regime of "Israel" is the international fascist Zionist movement. Zionism is the most powerful fascist power of our time. International Zionism is imperialism itself.
The existence of the colonial regime of "Israel" leads to the conclusion that Zionism today is the most powerful fascist power of our time.
The liberation of Palestine is the liberation of the world, since we would be abolishing a colonial anachronism, and at the same time, organically, we would be weakening the most powerful fascism of our time.
Despite so much betrayal by the leaders of some Arab States, the current juncture makes the liberation of Palestine viable. We are at the dawn of a multipolar world and the imperial hegemony, where Zionist fascism dwells, is in decline. Europe suffocated in its own toxic NATO, by supporting Nazism in Ukraine. Simultaneously, we are witnessing the rise of BRICS, the awakening of Mother Africa, and a less submissive Latin America.
Today, the Palestinian people are united in support of the military operation carried out by Hamas. It is time for struggle and not for negotiations. The mistake of stopping the Intifada must not be repeated.
There are no people without heroes and no people without traitors.
Historically, native peoples have been fighting their colonizers, and the native Palestinian Semitic people should not be the exception.
Today we all take to the streets, we have a date with history and it is the liberation of the native Palestinian Semitic people. We owe a debt to humanity, and it is the abolition of the most powerful fascism of our time, Zionism.
For those who have not yet been born, let us be the sons and daughters of our time, a time of light, not of obscurantism.