Top 1% in the US took about 15% of all salaries of 2021
US millionaires faced wage increases at a time when workers in the US witnessed wage decreases throughout 2021.
US millionaires get richer as workers get poorer (Getty images)
The gap between US millionaires and the average working class citizen widened in 2021, according to statistics. The top 1% of multimillionaires had the largest income increases in real, inflation-adjusted, dollars while the salaries of the bottom 90% decreased.
The top 1% of earners will see their yearly incomes climb by 9.4% in 2021. The top incomes of the top 0.1% increased by 18.5%, making them the wealthiest of the one percent.
This is in sharp contrast to the salary trend for the lowest 90%, who saw a 0.2% pay drop in real wages in 2021. This allowed the top 1% to take about 15% of all salaries last year — and, in fact, the top 1% was the only group whose pay increased in 2021. Meanwhile, the bottom 90%'s wage share fell to a historic low of 58.6%.
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) analyzed Social Security Administration statistics and examined pay patterns over the last four decades.
NEW: Wages rose fastest for the top 1% and 0.1% of earners in 2021, while the bottom 90% took a pay cut.
— Economic Policy Institute (@EconomicPolicy) December 21, 2022
Inequality has skyrocketed over the past 40 years. This growing inequality isn’t inevitable—it is a result of policy choices to reduce worker power.
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