Instagram’s Balloon Bonanza; Entertainment or Disaster?
Flamboyant balloon displays, which are hugely popular on Instagram, have turned into an imminent danger threatening mother earth; how is that?
Michael Faraday invented the rubber balloon in 1824 originally to do experiments with gases in his lab. However, its use has changed throughout time and has eventually become the sign to where a party is held. Indeed, where you see balloons tied to a door, join in.
We all link balloons to kids, but adults do use them as well, though. The proof? It is all over Instagram. Balloon bonanzas have become the latest celebrity trend. To celebrate a birthday, anniversary, gender reveal parties, or just about anything actually, make balloon bonanzas and make sure they are huge, for the bigger and bolder, the better.
Does everyone love balloons?
Nay, seabirds and other wildlife clearly don’t, neither does Danielle Vosburgh, co-founder of Balloons Blow, a group that educates people about the destructive effects released balloons have on animals, people, and the environment.
Balloons discarded and badly disposed of don’t just pollute, they can kill animals that ingest them. A 2019 study found that balloon debris is the material most likely to kill marine birds.
“Balloons are a wasteful single-use product that quickly becomes rubbish,” said Vosburgh.
The balloon industry wants you to think that latex is biodegradable, but the truth is that their biodegradation can take a couple of years.