Switzerland to lift ban on medical use cannabis
Cannabis sales and consumption for non-medical purposes will remain illegal.
The amendment to the law was approved by Parliament in March 2021.
The Swiss government agreed on Wednesday to lift the ban on medical cannabis use beginning August 1.
Patients who have been medically prescribed the drug will no longer need to seek special permission from the Ministry of Health.
Cannabis sales and consumption for non-medical purposes will remain illegal.
The government "intends to facilitate access to cannabis for medical use for patients," according to a statement, and thus lifted the ban on its use for that purpose.
It is worth noting that the amendment to the law was approved by Parliament in March 2021.
"The decision to use a cannabis-based medicine for therapeutic purposes will rest with the doctor, in consultation with the patient," the government added.
The new regulations could benefit thousands of people suffering from severe chronic pain, most notably those with cancer and multiple sclerosis, according to the report.
Demand for cannabis-based treatments has skyrocketed, with the Health Ministry issuing 3,000 special permits in 2019.
However, the Ministry stated that this involved "tedious administrative procedures."
"Sick people must be able to access these medicines without excessive bureaucracy."
The law change also means that the cultivation, processing, manufacture, and trade of cannabis for medical purposes, like cocaine, methadone, and morphine, will be subject to Swissmedic regulatory authority.
Last week, Thailand decriminalized the farming, possession, and selling of cannabis, becoming the first country in Asia to remove the ban on the drug. The law also acquitted and exempted anyone who produces, imports, or sells cannabis from offense and conviction.
But, according to CNN, Thai Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul confirmed that those who use the drug for recreational purposes will face punishments.
The public, as well as visitors to Thailand, should be aware of the harsh penalties the country provides under the Public Health Act, Charnvirakul said.