Booby-trap targets US military base in Baghdad
Al-Mayadeen correspondent in Iraq reports that a booby-trapped march targeted the US military base "Victory" at Baghdad International Airport this morning.
Al-Mayadeen correspondent in Iraq reported that a booby-trapped march targeted the US military wing at Baghdad International Airport this morning.
The American base at Baghdad Airport and other military bases that house American soldiers are constantly bombarded with missiles.
Last May, Al-Mayadeen's correspondent reported that the American Victory camp was targeted near the Baghdad airport with two missiles, one of which was repelled by the "C-RAM" system, while a security source confirmed that several missiles fell in the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport in Iraq.
And last April 23, sirens were heard in the occupied Victory Camp, near the Baghdad International Airport, after being targeted by several missiles.
The firing of missiles at the American base near Baghdad International Airport came hours after the commander of the US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, said that there are no plans at the present time to withdraw his country's forces from Iraq.
McKenzie stressed that the ongoing attacks by marches against the American forces are really troubling, knowing that "the American air defense batteries innovate in tracking and catching missiles and large flying objects."