Hamas: The Town of Beita is An Icon of Popular Resistance
Hamas spokesman says that a heroic epic has been waged in the town of Beita, south of Nablus, for 100 days.
The heroic saga of Beita has been ongoing for 100 days
In a statement stressing the importance of the town of Beita’s ongoing struggle against Israeli settlers, Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanou said the following:
“The ongoing struggle experience in the town of Beita, south of Nablus, has turned into an icon of popular resistance. This heroic saga, which the town of Beita has been waging for 100 days, has thwarted all attempts by the occupation and settlers to seize control of Jabal Sbeih. The ongoing confrontations reflect the insistence of the people of Beita to fight their battle with all available forms and methods to thwart the occupation's settlement plans, and demonstrate the ability of our Palestinian people to legendary resilience in the face of the arrogance of the occupation."
The statement comes amidst a new wave of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people of Beita, of which we list:
-The wounding of a civilian by live bullets during clashes with the occupation forces in the town of Beita, south of Nablus yesterday.
مصادر محلية: "إصابة شاب بالرصاص الحي في يده خلال المواجهات مع الاحتلال قرب مفرق بلدة بيتا جنوب نابلس".
— المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام (@PalinfoAr) August 7, 2021
-Settlers beating a citizen from the town of Kfar Ra'i, south of Jenin, smashing his vehicle and detaining it.
اعتدى مستوطنون الليلة الماضية بالضرب على مواطن من بلدة كفر راعي جنوب جنين وحطموا مركبته واحتجزوهامجموعة من مستوطني مابو دوثان المقامة على أراضي بلدتي يعبد وعرابة اعتدت بالضرب المبرح على المواطن ابراهيم حافظ ملحم أثناء تواجده في أرضه في جبل أبو الشوارب وحطموا زجاج مركبته واحتجزوها pic.twitter.com/2XEUaTYwvm
— mohammed-ali (@mohamme74924843) August 7, 2021
-A group out of the "Mabu Dothan" settlement, built on the lands of the towns of Ya'bad and 'Arraba, severely beat Ibrahim Hafez Melhem, while he was on his land and smashed the windows of his vehicle and detained it.
-Settlers attacking citizens' vehicles near the Tyasir military checkpoint -itself forcibly erected on citizens’ lands-, east of Tubas.