Turkish Forces Attack Several Areas In Dohuk, Northern Iraq
Areas in Dohuk Governorate, northern Iraq, are subjected to Turkish attacks, which has led to great material damage and the displacement of families.
Turkish bombing targets several areas in Dohuk, northern Iraq
Several areas in Dohuk Governorate, northern Iraq, were subjected to Turkish artillery shelling.
The Iraqi News Agency reported that villages belonging to the district of Banki were attacked by Turkish artillery shelling, which led to material damage and displacement of families.
قصفت المدفعية
— ahmed.🇮🇶✌️🇮🇶أحمد (@ahmed1108194011) August 8, 2021
التركية، الاحد، عدة مناطق في محافظة دهوك بإقليم كردستان.
وقالت مصادر ، إن ” قرى تابعة لمنطقة بانكي تعرضت لقصف مدفعي تركي، مما
أدى إلى وقوع أضرار مادية كبيرة ونزوح بعض العائلات“.
واضافت أن
“القصف التركي مستمر وبشكل دوري على القرى
The director of Banki of Zakho district, Farhad Mahmoud stated that the attack led to a lot of damages and added that the Turkish bombardment continues to bomb regularly on the villages, and it is not possible now to fully assess the losses because the areas are difficult to reach.
A week ago, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of two soldiers and the wounding of a third in the area of what it calls "Claw-eagle and Tiger" military operations in northern Iraq, during clashes with PKK fighters in the Hakurk region.
On April 23, Turkey launched a ground operation against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Iraq and focused on the "Metina" area.
The Turkish Minister of the Interior announced, previously, that his country is in the process of establishing a military base in Metina, which is a vital area for the organization's elements in the Qandil Mountains region.