Bahraini scholars' message to Pope Francis before his visit to Bahrain
Scholars imprisoned in Bahrain prisons send Pope Francis a message urging him to reject injustice and push to achieve reform, justice, and human dignity in Bahrain.
Pope Francis
A group of scholars detained in the prisons of the Bahraini regime welcomed the visit of Pope Francis to Bahrain, considering him a patron of peace, reform and justice.
بيان صادر عن ابرز العلماء المعتقلين في سجون النظام البحريني
— #الشيخ_علي_سلمان (@sheikhalisalman) October 25, 2022
حضرة بابا الفاتيكان المحترم نرحب بكم في أرض البحرين راعياً للسلام والإصلاح والعدالة. اعلم أن قدمك ستطأ أرضًا يٌرفع فيها شعار التسامح والتعايش إلا عن أبنائها وشعبها …
In a statement on Tuesday, the scholars addressed the Pope of the Vatican as saying, “we know that you will set foot in a land where the slogan of tolerance and coexistence is raised for everyone except for its sons and people, and in which justice and charity are described, but injustice and aggression are practiced. The people of this land are killed, sons, and bereaved mothers, suffering injured, imprisoned, chased, and exiled. Those remaining in the homeland are patient. [...] International human rights organizations documented many violations against the people of this land.”
حضرة بابا الفاتيكان المحترم
— يوسف الجمري 🇧🇭 (@YusufAlJamri) October 25, 2022
أبناء هذه الأرض بين قتيل ضمه القبر وأم ثكلى، وجريح يعاني ومقيد غيبته السجون، وملاحق مطارد، ومنفي أخرج من دياره وأهله وباق في أرضه صابرا محتسبا، وقد وثق تقرير بسيوني وغيره من المنظمات الحقوقية العالمية الكثير من الانتهاكات التي تعرض لها أبناء هذه الارض
"Holy Pope, achieving reform, justice and human dignity are the common goals of all heavenly messages, and they do not accept injustice against people or corruption in the country. These are goals that the people of this country have sought to achieve and have made enormous sacrifices for," the statement added.
"We hope that during your visit to this country you have a word of truth that responds to the call of faith and common sense, as the people of this country have coexisted with the people of the heavenly religions and others, and their past and present bear witness."
Check out: 2021 Roundup: Human Rights Violations in Bahrain
It is noteworthy that the signatories to the statement are prisoners of conscience, and they are Sheikh Abdul-Jalil Al-Miqdad, Sheikh Saeed Al-Nouri, Sheikh Muhammad Habib Al-Miqdad, and Sheikh Ali Salman.
Pope Francis will visit Bahrain, at the invitation of civil and ecclesiastical authorities, from 3 to 6 November.