Brazil security forces cordon off military headquarters amid protests
The Brazilian military police and military have blocked off military headquarters near a camp set up by protestors.
Soldiers clear out an encampment set up by supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro outside army headquarters, the day after Bolsonaro supporters stormed government buildings in the capital(AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici, File)
The wave of protests and riots in Brazil have prompted the Brazilian military police and army to set up barriers before the headquarters of the Brazilian armed forces in the capital, Brazilia, near a tent camp set up by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian media reported on Monday.
The camp was erected by Bolsonaro supporters a few weeks back, media reports have said. However, more than 100 buses carrying some 4,000 people from all over Brazil arrived at the site over the weekend.
Supporters of Bolsonaro broke into the Planalto presidential palace and Congress building on Sunday, in protest against leftist President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva who defeated far-right Bolsonaro in the presidential elections held on October 30.
Hundreds of protesters holding the Brazilian flag stormed the national congress and took the roofs waving the country's flags despite attempts by security officers to contain the unrest, an AFP photographer reported.
The Supreme Court building in the vicinity of the presidential palace was also raided by the protestors.
Following the protests that broke out throughout the country's capital on Sunday, Brazilian Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes demanded that the camp be immediately dismantled.
Additionally, cars are prohibited from entering the restricted area, but pedestrians can move around it freely, the report said.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who was sworn in and started his third term as president of Brazil on January 1, called the attacks on government buildings in Brasilia barbaric and ordered the use of federal forces to restore order in the capital.
It is worth noting that at the time of the riots, Lula was in Sao Paolo on an official trip. The Brazilian President told a press conference following the incident that "these vandals, whom we could call fanatical fascists, did what has never been done in the history of this country," adding that "all these people who did this will be found and they will be punished."
Furthermore, Lula stated "This genocidist [Bolsonaro] ... is encouraging this via social media from Miami," reaffirming that "everybody knows there are various speeches of the ex-president encouraging this."
The events prompted various countries and international organizations to voice their support for Lula, with many calling the riots an anti-democratic coup attempt.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro slammed Jair Bolsonaro supporters that raided earlier today Brazil's National Congress building and the presidential palace. Petro wrote a tweet expressing his support for Brazilian President Lula da Silva and his citizens.
In reference to the supporters of former far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Petro added that "the rights [right-wing supporters] have not been able to maintain the pact of non-violence."
Toda mi solidaridad a @LulaOficial y al pueblo del Brasil. El fascismo decide dar un golpe.
— Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) January 8, 2023
Las derechas no han podido mantener el pacto de la no violencia.
Es hora urgente de reunion de la OEA si quiere seguir viva como institución y aplicar la carta democrática.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro slammed "Bolsonaro's neo-fascist groups" for attacking Brazil's official institutions.
"We categorically reject the violence generated by Bolsonaro's neo-fascist groups that have assaulted the democratic institutions of Brazil," he said on Twitter.
Rechazamos de manera categórica la violencia generada por los grupos neofascistas de Bolsonaro que han asaltado las instituciones democráticas del Brasil. Nuestro respaldo a @LulaOficial y al pueblo brasileño que seguramente se movilizará en defensa de la Paz y de su presidente.
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) January 8, 2023
On his part, Chilean President Gabriel Boric expressed his support to the Brazilian government against "Bolsonaristas" that are carrying out a "cowardly and vile attack on democracy."
Impresentable ataque a los tres poderes del Estado Brasilero por parte de bolsonaristas.
— Gabriel Boric Font (@GabrielBoric) January 8, 2023
El gobierno de Brasil cuenta con todo nuestro respaldo frente a este cobarde y vil ataque a la democracia.
And Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel joined the voices of Latin American leaders expressing support for Brazil's President Lula da Silva.
"We strongly condemn the violent and undemocratic acts that occur in Brasil, with the aim of generating chaos and disrespecting the popular will expressed with the election of President Lula," he said on his Twitter account.
Condenamos enérgicamente los actos violentos y antidemocráticos que ocurren en #Brasil, con el objetivo de generar caos e irrespetar la voluntad popular expresada con la elección del presidente Lula.
— Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (@DiazCanelB) January 8, 2023
Expresamos todo nuestro respaldo y solidaridad a @LulaOficial y su gobierno.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated on Twitter "We condemn the attacks on Brazil's Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court today. Using violence to attack democratic institutions is always unacceptable. We join @lulaoficial in urging an immediate end to these actions."
We condemn the attacks on Brazil's Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court today. Using violence to attack democratic institutions is always unacceptable. We join @lulaoficial in urging an immediate end to these actions.
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) January 8, 2023
EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell tweeted that he was "Appalled by the acts of violence and illegal occupation of Brasilia's government quarter by violent extremists today. Full support to Lula and his government, to Congress, and to the Federal Supreme Court. Brazilian democracy will prevail over violence and extremism."
Appalled by the acts of violence and illegal occupation of Brasilia's government quarter by violent extremists today.
— Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF) January 8, 2023
Full support to @LulaOfficial and his government, to Congress and to the Federal Supreme Court.
Brazilian democracy will prevail over violence and extremism.