Dubai TV promotes Israeli theft of Palestinian cuisine
Dubai TV hosts a chef who claimed Palestinian and Arabic dishes were Israeli, sparking outrage over the Arab World.
Palestinian woman with one of Palestine's national dishes: Maklooba
Dubai TV's hosting of chef Levi Duchman sparked a lot of condemning reactions toward the Arab channel for giving air time for those making allegations about the "history of Israeli and Palestinian cuisine."
The interview was held weeks ago as part of "Expo this Morning", which follows the activities of Expo 2020, discussed the qualities of "Israeli cuisine", showing renowned Palestinian and Arabic dishes which people saw as an attempt to steal Palestinian and Arabic heritage.
Though a few weeks have passed, people are still reacting negatively, mocking the UAE channel for one of its hosts asking Duchman to talk about what she called "immigration and openness" to "Israeli cuisine", and the channel used the term "indigenous people" to talk about the Palestinians whose historic national dishes were stolen by the Israelis.
⭕️ تلفزيون دبي يستضيف حاخام يعتبر ان الحمص والفلافل والمفتول من اشهر الاكلات "الاسرائلية"
— Majd 🇯🇴مجد الدين (@jordanmajd1) February 5, 2022
سرقوا الارض والان يسرقون التاريخ، بمساعدة ودعم عربي،،،، الا لعنة الله على الظالمين،،#التطبيع_خيانة
Dubai TV showed the chef with Palestinian and Arabic dishes set as the background, including Maftool, hummus, and falafel, and, during the episode, Duchman attributed the dishes to the so-called "Israeli cuisine", claiming that the dishes were part of it.