Erdogan announces he and his wife are positive for COVID-19
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announces that he and his wife have been infected with the Coronavirus and will be working remotely.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with his wife
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Saturday that he and his wife have contracted COVID-19, indicating that the symptoms of their illness were mild.
Erdogan divulged via Twitter that after feeling mild symptoms, he and his wife underwent a PCR test and the results were positive. The Turkish president further divulged that he and his wife were infected with the Omicron variant.
Erdogan indicated that he is completing all his duties from home and will continue to work remotely.
Yesterday, the Turkish presidential page on Twitter published a photo of Erdogan during the opening of a Mosque in Istanbul, surrounded by Turkish officials.
الرئيس أردوغان يفتتح مسجد الأستاذ الدكتور عثمان أوزتورك إنجيرلي بستان في اسطنبول
— الرئاسة التركية (@tcbestepe_ar) February 4, 2022