Gantz advises using Iran's 'tough times' to push it into nuclear deal
The Israeli security minister proposed exploiting the sensitive situation in Iran to push their policies.
Benny Gantz in the Knesset on May 24, 2020. (AFP)
Israeli Security Minister Benny Gantz said that now is the time to push Iran towards an "improved" nuclear deal, but if efforts fail, this is the time to show and exercise force.
On Monday, Gantz spoke at the beginning of the annual Jewish Media Summit, which hosts more than 100 journalists from Zionist media around the world.
Slamming Iran, Gantz said: "Iran is, first of all, a global and regional challenge, and only then a threat to 'Israel'."
"Just as NATO acts in a coordinated manner when it comes to Ukraine, we must push our partners in the international community to deal with Iran in a coordinated manner before it brings itself to act with nuclear power."
Gantz further said that Iran is currently suffering from internal problems, economic difficulties, making this an opportune time to act against it. This comes although last week, the Iranian Foreign Ministry argued that they "have not provided weapons to any party in Ukraine, and the allegations about us sending weapons to Russia come from the countries that export the most weapons."
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He explained that putting pressure on Iran now - as opposed to other times - will result in a better nuclear agreement, that would stop its nuclear progress.
"We must focus on prevention now before it is too late," he said.
In August, Gantz disclosed to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper that the Iran nuclear deal, if an agreement is reached, should be a great one that doesn't leave any loopholes open.
“Iran is a global and regional problem and an Israeli challenge,” Gantz claimed, expressing his severe concern with Iran's pre-existing economic advantage and now with "their advancement in nuclear power" which he described as "worrisome" to the world and to "Israel".