Latin American leaders in solidarity with Argentina VP de Kirchner
Latin American leaders from Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico and even Argentina itself, voice their concerns regarding what they called a politicized trial that sentenced Argentinian VP to 6-years in prison.
Argentinian Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner appears in court in Argentina's Buenos Aires (Reuters)
Latin American Presidents from Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico as well as the Argentinian president himself, expressed their solidarity with Argentinian Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) following a trial that she had deemed a "political witch hunt."
Argentinian President Alberto Fernández voiced his concern that "an innocent person has been sentenced" by "complacent judges who ride around in private jets and luxury mansions on weekends."
The Argentinian President stated via Twitter, "The die was cast from the beginning and all it took was a mock trial initiated by one of the judges who enjoyed the trip paid for by Grupo Clarín," adding that "Today I accompany and stand in solidarity with CFK knowing that she is the victim of an absolutely unfair persecution. I know of her innocence. All good men and women who love democracy and the rule of law must stand by their side."
Hoy acompaño y me solidarizo con @CFKArgentina sabiendo que es víctima de una persecución absolutamente injusta. Se de su inocencia.
— Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) December 6, 2022
Todos los hombres y todas las mujeres de bien que amamos la democracia y el Estado de Derecho debemos ponernos a su lado.
On his Twitter page, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro said, "From Venezuela, we express our firm opposition to the constant media and political persecution that Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has been subjected to. Sooner or later, the truth will prevail and the voice of the Argentine people will be respected.”
Desde Venezuela expresamos nuestro firme rechazo a la permanente persecución mediática y política a la que han sometido a la Vicepresidenta @CFKArgentina. Más temprano que tarde la verdad se impondrá y la voz del pueblo argentino será respetada. #TodosConCristina
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) December 7, 2022
Similarly, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva tweeted in solidarity with CFK "My solidarity with the vice president of Argentina, @CFKArgentina. I saw your statement that you are a victim of lawfare and we know well here in Brazil how much this practice can cause damage to democracy. I support an impartial and independent justice for all and for the people of Argentina."
Minha solidariedade à vice-presidente da Argentina, @CFKArgentina. Vi sua manifestação de que é vítima de lawfare e sabemos bem aqui no Brasil o quanto essa prática pode causar danos à democracia. Torço por uma justiça imparcial e independente para todos e pelo povo da Argentina.
— Lula (@LulaOficial) December 7, 2022
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador also tweeted in solidarity with the Argentinian VP, "I express my broadest solidarity with the Vice President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández. I have no doubt that she is the victim of political revenge and anti-democratic vileness of conservatism."
Expreso mi más amplia solidaridad con la vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández. No tengo duda de que es víctima de una venganza política y de una vileza antidemocrática del conservadurismo.
— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) December 7, 2022
De Kirchner sentenced to 6-years of prison in allegedly politicized trial
After a trial referred to by Argentinian Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as a political witch hunt, an Argentina judge on Tuesday sentenced the nation's most well-known politician to six years in prison for corruption and barred her from running for public office.
The polarizing former president was found guilty of "fraudulent administration" in relation to erroneous public works contracts that were given while she served as president from 2007 to 2015.
On her Twitter page, de Kirchner wrote that "none of the lies were proven" and that she had been convicted by a "legal mafia."
The VP further added that "I won't be a candidate for anything, not a senator, or a deputy or president of the nation," in the 2023 general elections.
De Kirchner enjoys legal immunity as a result of her present position, and analysts think it is doubtful that she will go to jail anytime soon. However, the decision raises significant doubts about her future.
"The verdict will have a strong political impact," said political analyst Rosendo Fraga of the University of Buenos Aires, noting that "the chances of her being arrested for the sentence are non-existent."
De Kirchner, who was president for seven years, and who continues to be a major and contentious figure in Argentinian politics, has consistently denied any wrongdoing.