Lions' Den calls for mobilization amid incitement for Al-Aqsa storming
Lions' Den calls on Palestinians to mobilize for eight days in response to calls by illegal Israeli settlers to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Palestinian Lions' Den freedom fighters during a rally
The Lions' Den resistance group called on the Palestinian people to mobilize starting Sunday and for eight days in response to calls by illegal Israeli settlers to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque.
"Tomorrow is a blessed day," Lions' Den said. "If we do not rally for Al-Quds today, when do we rally?"
"Ben-Gvir and his gang of criminals decided to storm our mosque and our first qiblah tomorrow for a period of eight days. Let us dedicate these days, as a resistance and as people, to God and difficult days for the occupation and its settlers," the statement added.
MK Itamar Ben Gvir is one of the most notorious Israeli politicians, as he is infamous for constantly carrying out provocative tours in Al-Aqsa mosque and rallying illegal Israeli settlers that call for the death of Arabs and Palestinians alike while chanting racist slogans and slurs against Muslims and Arabs.
"Your army lied to you when it said the Lions' Den was done... do not leave your home, for we are parading the streets in search of you... Here we are today, dealing one blow after the other, and we will see who will corner who at the end of the day," the resistance group told the illegal Israeli settlers.
The group earlier in the month had called on all Palestinians to confront the Israeli settlers' attacks, block the roads, and engage with them using all means possible.
The statement addressed the Palestinians by saying, "Get out there and recite Takbir, let the world hear the sounds of your Takbir in the streets and on the rooftops. Get out to block the roads and engage with them by any means possible. We stand by you, God willing, and we will not spare any opportunity to deal hurtful blows to them to make sure our wounds are healed.”
The Resistance group stressed that "the coming days are difficult, but they shall bring glad tidings, and the government of Ben-Gvir and Netanyahu will be the final nail in the coffin of this occupation."
The "Temple Movements" had called on its supporters to storm Al-Aqsa for the coming eight days in celebration of Hanukkah, with the Chief Rabbinate of "Israel" erecting the menorah in Al-Buraq Square as a prelude to celebrating the holiday on the demolished Moroccan Quarter.
Supporters of these movements deliberately dance, sing, and celebrate this holiday at the various gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque at night, such as Al-Silsilah, Al-Ghawanme, and Al-Qattan, benefiting from a ruling that the occupation's Supreme Court had granted them back in 2017, which allowed the settlers to perform collective public prayers at the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque from the outside.
Religious scholars and high-ranking religious figures warned the Israeli occupation's government of possible escalations on Sunday as the settlers flock to the Muslim holy site.
The director of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Omar Al-Kiswani, issued a press release describing the calls of Israeli extremists for such stormings as "dangerous" and carry the possibility of a dangerous escalation as it constitutes a new stage of aggression on Al-Aqsa Mosque.