Medvedev: Potential disarmament agreements 'unrealistic' at present
The Russian diplomat says Russia's operation was a "difficult, forced step" that was "taken under the pressure of circumstances."
Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev
In an article that details some important results that ensued from Russia's special military operation in Ukraine since its inception, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said any potential forthcoming disarmament agreements would be "unrealistic and unnecessary" at present.
But if Russia was to receive security guarantees, particularly with regards to NATO rebuking Ukraine's membership, it is certain that the situation would normalize at a faster pace.
"New disarmament agreements are unrealistic and unnecessary at the moment. The sooner our country receives suitable guarantees of maximum security, the sooner the situation will normalize," Medvedev wrote in the newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
A "difficult, forced" decision
Regarding the start of the special military operation, Medvedev said it was a "difficult, forced step" that was "taken under the pressure of circumstances."
He said, "It was not only about defending the brotherly republics of Donbass, but also about Russia’s security and sovereignty."
"Let us be frank - about its survival. It was impossible to wait any longer," he added.
By the end of 2021, it was "obvious" that when NATO refused to provide security guarantees and Ukraine declared plans to revive its nuclear potential, the military mission had to be launched.
"Nazism is next door, but it will fail," he wrote.
"Since last winter, the world has been living amid the dramatic developments in and around Donbass. The tragedy, however, began much earlier, but the ‘civilized world’ preferred not to see it."
Since the military operation has been ongoing for already ten months, its goals have remained unchanged since the very beginning
"They are to defend our compatriots on the new territories, which joined Russia following referendums. The denazification of the disgusting, nearly fascist regime in Ukraine. Complete demilitarization of the Ukrainian state. Guarantees against future aggressions," Medvedev explained.
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Russia to do its 'utmost' to achieve military goals
In its efforts to bring down the nationalist regime of Kiev, Medvedev emphasized that Russia will spare no effort to achieve the goals of its special military operation.
"We will do our utmost to achieve the goal of the special military operation. So that the disgusting regime of Kiev nationalists cease to exist. Today, no one but us can do it," he said.
"The special military operation is the continuation of our long-standing fight against ugly neo-fascism and nationalism in all of its manifestations," he continued.
"We will rebuff any attempts to humiliate and annihilate entire nations in the selfish group interests, to rewrite history in black and blood, and, in the long run - and today it is evident even for our enemies - to contain our development and tear our country into parts. This is an ultimate design of those who confront us. And they make no secret of that, saying it openly: ‘Russia is to be destroyed.’"
Anti-Russian sanctions are a 'red flag' to other countries
Through their reckless actions of imposing unjust and unlawful sanctions on Russia, western countries are undermining confidence in other countries, the official stressed, while recalling the seizure of Russian assets "without charge or trial."
As he put it in his own words, the sanctions were enforced "with the stroke of the pen" by the US and its "European minions".
"It is the last signal to other states: it is impossible to deal with the Anglo-Saxon world. Like it is impossible to deal with thieves, fraudsters, cardsharps," he noted.
"A general credibility crisis to the so-called developed countries and their legal institutions is evident," Medvedev noted. "It turns out that fundamental principles of legal relations, such as inviolability of private property and the supremacy of international law can easily be disposed of for the sake of political interests."
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"Normal relations with the West can be forgotten for years"
According to the official, there is not one state in the world that can't negotiate with Russia.
But due to the West's recklessness and uncalculated decision-making, Russia will only carry out trade operations with the rest of the world.
"There is no room for trust, hope for the partners’ honesty, their commitment to their words and even to their finely worded principles in relations between independent and sovereign states with the Anglo-Saxon world in the current configuration."
"Regrettably, but there is no one in the West we can negotiate anything with and there is no reason for that," he stressed.
"Normal relations with the West can be forgotten for years, or even decades. This is not our choice. Now, we can do without them until a new generation of wise politicians comes to power there. We will be careful and vigilant. We will develop relations with the rest of the world, which is very big and has normal relations with us," he wrote.
That year "killed the last illusions about the present-day Western world, which is so fond (and absolutely in vain) of calling itself the ‘golden billion'."
Recent events "have canceled the very possibility of a trust-based and respectful dialogue with representatives of this world ‘pole'."
The only thing that remains is "disgusting perplexity" because Western politicians seek to subdue others to their own will.
"Why should they? Once they have discredited themselves, acknowledged their impotency, bogged down in lies and problems," he underscored.
Read more: Sanctions, economic warfare alone won’t end the war in Ukraine
US companies biggest winners on the grain deal situation
Medvedev further said US companies racked a fortune over the situation on the grain deal, which was initially geared to assist the poorest nations in dealing with the food crisis.
"Let us call things by their proper names: the United States is professing neo-colonialism, which could make even Rudyard Kipling with his ‘white man’s’ arrogance go blush and embarrassed. The Americans continue to pretend that the entire world is their colony, to dictate their enslaving terms, to behave ignoring law and morals," he wrote.
The grain deal "has literally made a fortune for American big companies that bought up agricultural lands in Ukraine."
"But the declared goal of preventing hunger in the poorest countries, where Russian and Ukrainian grain and fertilizers are exported, has not been achieved. They are receiving only three to five percent of such cargoes," he added.
"The situation in those countries, where the United States sought to establish allegedly liberal and democratic orders is still worse," Medvedev noted.
"Everything always ends if not in bloody coups but in profound systemic crises and collapses in all spheres. Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan - the most bitter victims od America’s ‘democratic missionary work.’"
"Geopolitical tensions are permanently growing."
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