Saleh: Iraqi Elections will Allow Government Reform
Iraqi President Barham Salih reveals upcoming elections will be a turning point.
Iraqi President Barham Salih
Iraqi President Barham Salih has expressed that the upcoming Iraqi elections will be a major turning point, paving the way for a review of the current governing system.
In an interview with reporters, Salih added that reform is necessary and the current system is unable to provide a free and dignified life for Iraqis.
In a tweet, the President commented on the directions issued by Ali al-Sistani on the elections, detailing that the directives were to protect the homeland and victory for citizens by guaranteeing broad participation in order to repair and reform the current system of governance.
ان التوجيهات الصادرة عن المرجع الاعلى سماحة السيد علي السيستاني (دام ظله) حول الانتخابات، هو موقف وطني حريص وفي ظرف دقيق، لحماية الوطن والانتصار للمواطن بضرورة ضمان الارادة الحرة للعراقيين والمشاركة الواسعة، من اجل اصلاح مكامن الخلل في منظومة الحكم والانطلاق نحو الاصلاح المنشود.
— Barham Salih (@BarhamSalih) September 29, 2021
On Wednesday, Ali al-Sistani, the religious authority in Iraq, encouraged conscious and responsible participation in the upcoming elections.
He explained that the elections were the safest way to ensure a better future for the country.
Voters were encouraged to learn valuable lessons from the past and be aware that their votes hold an important role in shaping the future.
On Sunday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi urged the Iraqis to obtain their voter's cards.
He told voters that their votes "are a responsibility that shouldn’t go to waste. Those wanting reform and change should aim for a high voter turnout. Your votes are the future of Iraq.”
The Independent High Electoral Commission previously clarified that the voting of the security forces, prison inmates, and the displaced, which will take place on the eighth of next month, will be via the biometric card exclusively.
Iraq is preparing for its early elections on October 10th, with an estimated 25 million Iraqi voters participating.