The streets of Turin welcome anti-Israeli apartheid adverts
INVICTAPALESTINA attracted passerby with adverts in Turin, Italy to draw attention to the Israeli occupation apartheid regime that has persisted since 1948.
INVICTAPALESTINA said the campaign highlights the application of apartheid in South Africa's past and "Israel's" present
The streets of Turin city welcomed large luminous screens where passersby are attracted to powerful messages defining the concept of apartheid.
The ads seek to bring attention to the fact that "Israel" is an occupation that instituted an apartheid system that has persisted since 1948.
A group of local associations who are outraged by the brutal system of tyranny and discrimination inflicted on Palestinians, as well as by the Western political establishments' indifference to this crime against humanity, initiated this campaign.
The boards provide a QR CODE that can quickly provide access to an Amnesty International video and report condemning apartheid in occupied Palestine.
INVICTAPALESTINA said the campaign highlights the application of apartheid in South Africa's past and "Israel's" present, and invites individuals to dig into the Israeli system of oppression against Palestinians.
The project was first initiated in Florence and will now be showcased in different Italian cities, starting Thursday, in Turin, by INVICTAPALESTINA.
It was initiated to keep highlighting the importance of denouncing the Israeli "cruel system of domination", which is apartheid..
Streets of Turin welcome anti-Israeli apartheid adverts. -
Streets of Turin welcome anti-Israeli apartheid adverts.
The same campaign was also in Florence, Italy in October.
In a statement, the Network said, “We were inspired by a similar campaign carried out by anonymous activists in London”, adding that “the message was powerful in its simplicity: a dictionary entry defining the concept of apartheid, mentioning its application in South Africa's past and 'Israel's' present.”
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