Turkish Felicity Party candidate: We aspire for West-East balance
The opposition candidate pointed out to Al Mayadeen that Turkish society is awaiting change from the polls.
Mustafa Kaya, candidate for the Turkish Felicity party (Al Mayadeen TV)
Turkish Felicity party Candidate Mustafa Kaya, confirmed to Al Mayadeen, that his party doesn't share the worldview of Kemal Kilicdaroglu's People's Alliance.
Kaya specified that while his party agrees with the opposition coalition on multiple points, mainly the transition into a parliamentary system and implementing a new parliamentary program that favors the people, however, they do not share the opposition's animosity toward Erdogan.
"We are Recep Tayyip Erdogan's competitors [in the general elections], but we are not his enemies as some portray us," he noted.
Furthermore, Kaya pointed out to Al Mayadeen that Turkish society is awaiting change from the polls; stressing that the voters' tendencies have shifted in favor of the opposition coalition against that of the ruling party.
Check out: In Numbers: Turkish Presidential elections
Additionally, he emphasized that the elections must be carried out in a democratic setting, noting that his party has concerns in this regard.
"Changing the electoral law is the main motive for running on unified lists with the Republican People's Party," he added.
Regarding Syria, Kaya explained that the Turkish government failed to adequately assess the situation which led to its current discombobulation in relation to the Syrian issue.
Read more: CHP's Kilicdaroglu may get over 66% of votes in 3 Kurdish provinces
"The Turkish government had looked at Syria through the eyes of the United States, in terms of the inevitability of the regime's collapse. Turkey is now in a dilemma with regard to the Syrian issue, whose effects had repercussions on everyone, including Turkey."
He emphasized the importance of Syria having good relations with Iran, noting that his party's vision for foreign policy and relations with Iran, Iraq, and Syria is shared with that of Erdogan's People's Alliance.
He added that his foreign policy sets out from the premise of balance between the East and West.
Read more: Majority of Turkish diaspora voting for Erdogan: Expert to Al Mayadeen
The National Coalition is the leading contender for Erdogan's incumbency and parliament majority in the next elections. The coalition chairs the CHP; Meral Aksener of the IYI (Good) Party; Ali Babacan of the DEVA (Democracy and Progress) party, Temel Karamollaoglu of the SP (Felicity) party; Ahmet Davutoglu of the GP (Future) party; and Gultekin Uysal of the DP (Democrat) Party.