US Dem. calls Biden 'war criminal' over Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, Syria
The candidate for Kentucky congressional seat says all US presidents since 1945 are war criminals.
US President Joe Biden
A US candidate for Kentucky's governor seat accused US President Joe Biden of war crimes in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, as well as other countries, and called for his impeachment.
Geoffrey Young also called out the sitting US President for his ongoing "illegal proxy war against Russia in Ukraine," adding that all American presidents since 1945 are war criminals.
“I think Joe Biden (D-war criminal) should be impeached immediately for war crimes in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc.,” Young said on his Twitter account.
I think Joe Biden (D-War Criminal) should be impeached immediately for war crimes in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc.
— Geoffrey M. Young (@GeoffYoung4KY) January 13, 2023
Also for continuing the illegal proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
All US presidents since 1945 = WAR CRIMINALS (including Trump).
Young was the Democratic party candidate in the 2018 elections for Kentucky's 6th Congressional District in the US House of Representatives and has announced he will be running for the state's governor seat in the upcoming May 2023 elections.
He also slammed former US President George Bush, Congress, and Biden for killing over 1.5 million people after destroying Iraq and destabilizing the Middle East.
— Geoffrey M. Young (@GeoffYoung4KY) January 13, 2023
It's important to see events from other people's perspective. I agree with @johnm_jenks 100%:
"President Bush and Congress, including Joe Biden, will live in infamy for destroying Iraq and creating lasting chaos in the Middle East."
I'd add: "murdering 1.5 million+ people"
During his campaign, he vowed that he will pursue a "reasonable" peace plan with Russia regarding Ukraine.
The "Peace Democratic", as he labels himself, described the CIA as the “worst terrorist organization in the world today” and called for its elimination, also describing Kiev as a “Nazi puppet government."
The Democratic party refused to back Young in last November's general election against his Republican competitor Andy Barr, despite him winning Kentucky's Democratic primary earlier in May.
Young repeatedly accused Biden of adopting a reckless, provocative approach toward China, in addition to the illegal deployment of US soldiers in Iraq and Syria.
He also called out the current administration for exposing the US to attacks by being a “co-belligerent” with Kiev against Moscow.
Young also believed that the US and NATO had already lost Ukraine, slamming Biden for not accepting Moscow's peace proposal in December of 2021.
My summary: Ukraine & NATO are still losing decisively and Russia is still winning decisively. This has been true from the beginning of March, 2022 until today. There is no way Russia can lose this war and no way Ukraine & NATO can possibly win it.
— Geoffrey M. Young (@GeoffYoung4KY) January 11, 2023