US is developing biological weapons, Russian Security Council confirms
Some of the biological weapons being developed are aimed at some ethnic groups.
Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov in a meeting of the UN Security Council on April 24, 2023 (AP)
Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Alexey Shevtsov stated Monday that the US is developing weapons, including some aimed at some ethnic groups.
In an interview for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Shetsov expressed, "It has been confirmed that the United States is developing biological weapons, including those aimed at certain ethnic groups."
He also detailed how the Pentagon wishes to expand its biological weapons program to other states and establish control over biological research, as well as collect bio-materials and pathogens, particularly dangerous ones.
In June, US Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. vehemently and extensively criticized the United States for Operation Paperclip, the CIA's first project, aimed to bring Nazi scientists to the United States after World War II. These scientists were employed to work on developing missiles, nuclear weapons, and bioweapons at high-security labs such as Fort Dietrich, as well as other facilities across the nation, the Democratic candidate revealed.
He also revealed that the CIA sought to enlist Japanese scientists, known for their use of bioweapons during World War II, to participate in the development of a pilot weapons program.
Biolabs and biological weapons are of utmost importance in the current state of affairs, as it was discovered that the United States has been helping with the construction of biolabs in Ukraine. Initially, Washington refused to admit the existence of US biolabs in Ukraine, however, later in time Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland did.
"Russian troops have secured over 20,000 documents, reference, and analytical materials, and interviewed eyewitnesses and participants in American military-biological programs," since the start of the Ukraine war, Russian Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense chief Igor Kirillov said earlier this year.
Read next: RFK Jr. says Pentagon hid Ukraine truth from Americans