US refusal to lift sanctions on Syria 'shameful': Chinese daily
China refers to the US temporary seige lift on Syria as "misleading" as the international community calls to fully lift the siege on Syria.
View shows damaged and collapsed buildings in the aftermath of an earthquake, in the militant-held town of Jindires, Syria, on February 11, 2023 (Reuters)
International calls, spearheaded by China, demanded that the US lift its unilateral sanctions on Syria amid ongoing efforts to find survivors following the devastating earthquake that struck the country last Monday.
US rejection of the unilateral lifting of sanctions on Syria was described by China Daily as "a shameful and outrageous action," actively mocking American claims that they have sent aid to Syria after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit, killing more than 6,000 people in Syria alone, not counting those still buried under the rubble.
The Chinese paper pointed out that American politicians turn a blind eye to the repercussions of the unilateral coercive measures imposed against Syria and their devastating impact on the living of Syrians, asserting that Washington’s main objective is to achieve its geopolitical goals taking no consideration to civilians in Syria.
The paper asserts that whenever the US military intervenes in any country's affairs, national or international, a humanitarian disaster strikes. The failure to allow passage for international aid organizations to save lives in Syria would be an indictment to all countries who overlook the US abuse of power.
On Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministery Spokesperson Wang Wenbin called on the United States to immediately lift all illegal unilateral sanctions imposed on Syria and to put aside Washington's "geopolitical calculations".
Read more: Syria disaster exposed US true face; major threat to world peace: IOL
The Syrian tragedy that befell the country prompted the international community to call on the US to lift the inhumane seige on Syria.
Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad told Al Mayadeen that terrorist groups destroyed all of Syria's capabilities, from vehicles to cranes and bulldozers, among other equipment, at a time when the competent authorities need them because people are trapped under the rubble.
The diplomat added, "The US sanctions are prohibiting Syria from accessing anything, including medicine." "They planned that aid only makes it through to armed groups and terrorists, and Syria is ready to let aid make it to all regions on the condition that it does not make it into the hands of terrorists."
The US administration issued a decision saying they will provide temporary relief from the siege as Syria attempts to gather its citizens from under fallen buildings in earthquake-struck areas.
Read more: Sanctions on quake-stricken Syria must be lifted: UN experts
In a recent poll by CGTN, around 94.29% of respondents called for the immediate lifting of US sanctions to facilitate humanitarian aid efforts.
Syria earlier called the temporary lift of sanctions on Syria "misleading", saying that it was expected from the human rights violator, Washington, who has no regard for innocent civilians trapped under the rubble in the struck country.
The Chinese paper went on to say that Syria called the decision a mere repetition of the US shameful policies, taken under false humanitarian impressions.
Read next: US urges UN opening of additional checkpoints for aid to reach Syria