US to take advantage of escalation in ME: Russian Security Council
Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary Alexander Venediktov says the US will not take advantage of "further escalation in the Middle East."
Alexander Venediktov, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Federation's Security Council, at the 15th Meeting of Security Council Secretaries of SCO Member States via video conference, September 15, 2020. (SCO-Russia 2020)
The case of Ukraine demonstrates that the US will profit from greater escalation in the Middle East, according to Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary Alexander Venediktov in an interview with Sputnik.
“We all know about the Americans' years-long work to undermine global peacekeeping efforts and counter the rapprochement of the positions of the sides in the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. As experience shows, as in the case of Ukraine, the Americans will not fail to take advantage of further escalation in the Middle East,” Venediktov said.
Read next: Russia says US prevents finding solution in Palestine
Earlier this month, in an interview with Al Mayadeen Net, the Russian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Rudakov, called on all parties to prevent further escalation in occupied Palestine, stressing the need for immediate ceasefires and the rejection of violence as a means to achieve the goals.
"Stopping the current round of war in Palestine can only be achieved through political and diplomatic means and sitting at the negotiating table," Rudakov continued.
The Russian ambassador pointed out that "the United States' attempt to involve itself in the conflict and flex its muscles is like adding fuel to a fire," adding that "the American aircraft carriers and their weapons do not frighten anyone," and that the US presence only destabilizes the situation and constitutes "an extra source of nuisance."
"One random spark could plunge the entire Middle East into the fire of war," Rudakov said.