Voices from the Inside Speak Of 9/11
Speaking to Al Mayadeen English, prominent US figures reflect on the repercussions of 9/11 and the resentment left as a result of failed US foreign policies across the globe.
9/11: The US has seemingly become a deplored evil
Although the Twin Towers fell 20 years ago, the aftershock of rubble and smoke in NYC still unsettles nations and innocent lives around the world as a result of the original authorization for the use of military force, a vote held just three days after the 9/11 attacks. At the time, Congresswoman Barbara Lee palpably warned, in a tone that rankled US governments, “As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore.”
On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the US has seemingly become a deplored evil, not only in the eyes of global citizens, mostly in the global south, but also in the eyes of its very own citizens.
We are failing ourselves and our children by not teaching them the real history behind 9/11
In our interconnected world, the health and safety of all are intrinsically interlinked
What we see now is more militarization, destabilization, and a return to square one
Unfortunately, US governments used this event to launch wars of aggression on the Arab and Muslim countries
Our leaders’ hubris led us once again into the trap of war and defeat.
Millions dead, thousands displaced, trillions in taxpayer money wasted
History repeats itself
The German Philosopher Karl Marx once said, “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." This quote perfectly paints a picture of the repeated US foreign policy failures from Hanoi to Beirut, to Kabul, to Baghdad, to Havana, and so on.
Today a question is raised amid the hasty US withdrawal from Afghanistan and a possible military withdrawal from Iraq. Will this be the end of another dark page in the endless grim history of foreign military interventions committed by the United States as it moves to isolationism, or will it be just the beginning of another round on new fronts and with new false pretexts?