What Were the Reasons Behind the Tayouneh Ambush?
Several political analysts and authors reflected upon Thursday's events with Al Mayadeen, so what did they have to say?
The Lebanese Army arrested 8 Lebanese Forces party members, and some admitted to preparing for Thursday's ambush beforehand.
The calm was restored to Tayouneh following a bloody, violent day, which saw an ambush claiming the lives of 6 martyrs and wounding dozens of civilians. The situation raised many questions regarding the identity and goals of the perpetrators.
The Lebanese Forces militants, led by Samir Geagea, committed a massacre in broad daylight, said Lebanese journalist Ghassan Saoud. "The scene today is similar to the Nahr al-Mawt massacre the LF committed in the late '80s," he added.
Saoud stressed the necessity of the security forces to arrest Samir Geagea, "as he claimed responsibility in his statement." He and his MPs are making justifications for the crime, and therefore they must be arrested.
The journalist noted that Geagea received a strong, serious threat from President Aoun, and the Patriarchate interfered to pressure Geagea and stop what he had been planning.
"Judge Bitar must ask himself: What had he done for Samir Geagea to drag his society into a civil war and sectarian conflict and a bloodbath to protect him?" Saoud wondered.
Regarding President Michel Aoun's stances, Saoud saw that his actions in the face of Geagea were positive and that they must be taken further by taking additional steps to arrest him. "To protect our society and country, we have no other solution but returning Samir Geagea to prison," he asserted.
Saoud disclosed that he had been provided with security intelligence regarding actions that Geagea could possibly take in an attempt to undermine the elections due to his electoral status. "Geagea has convinced the Saudis that he is prepared to battle Hezbollah, and if he is not held accountable, he will not step back," the journalist told Al Mayadeen.
In addition, author and political analyst Ghassan Jawad told Al Mayadeen it was not right to equate the murderer and the murderer's victims. "Do Christians in Lebanon want to go where Geagea wants to drag them? Toward strife and a battle with no horizon?" he asked.
Alpha: Geagea's statement defended what happened
On his part, political writer Roni Alpha told Al Mayadeen on Thursday: “What happened today is more dangerous that the Ain al-Rammaneh bus massacre [which ignited Lebanon’s civil war in 1975] and the Maarouf Saad protest,” noting that “The goal of today’s events was to drag the Resistance into a domestic strife and infighting.”
Alpha confirmed that “Those who carried out today’s violence did so by cooperating with foreign intelligence, and are paying for the material support they received.” He continued, “A particular Lebanese faction is completely loyal to outside forces, and is carrying out foreign agendas."
Addressing Geagea's approach to the situation, Alpha also added that the “Statement of the executive chairman of the Lebanese Forces comes off as if he is defending today’s happenings, rather than condemning them,” clarifying that “Geagea’s bit about unbridled arms was what we saw on the rooftops.”
Alpha asserted that “Judge Bitar must step down because today’s happenings were brought on by his politicization of the investigation,” stressing that “the minimal amount of conscience in the judiciary” must have them find a resolution to Bitar's issue.
The political writer clarified that “The judiciary is responsible for revealing what happened in the Beirut Port,” considering that “The judicial path being pursued in the Beirut Port explosion case is unacceptable." He continued, "The cabinet must refer the Tayyouneh attack to the Judicial Council,” and that “The blood that was spilled today must not be overlooked, and the identities of those responsible must be revealed.”
Regarding the role of Hezbollah today, Alpha said that the Resistance movement has “performed its duties, and buried the strife, further noting that “the failure to confront Hezbollah militarily after "Israel’s" defeat” was remodeled into a domestic confrontation against it.
Alpha also explained that “What is happening is an attempt to feed the people’s subconscious that Hezbollah is an outlaw armed force,” and that “Today’s massacre was planned from last night, and everything we witnessed was planned. The Tayouneh killings today were premeditated, and are far more dangerous than intentional murder. The government must make critical decisions regarding this incident.”
Alpha stressed the need to know “who used, and ordered the use of the unbridled weapons used against peaceful, unarmed protestors.”
“What happened today is very dangerous, and is nothing like previous incidents. The judiciary must radically intervene to expose those responsible,” Alpha said, highlighting that “The Resistance’s leadership considers the burying of strife to be a strategic project, and its accusation against the Lebanese Forces is based on information it possesses."
Akil: The party behind the ambush wanted to constrain Hezbollah
Political affairs author, Radwan Akil, saw black rooms were commanding the affairs in the country. "Some are trying to undertake the narrative that the damage was only to the Christians; however, the damage was to the Lebanese populace," he explained.
Akil told Al Mayadeen "the perpetrators of this operation wanted to constrain Hezbollah and hold it accountable for the Beirut Blast."
Apparently, the Lebanese Forces have armed groups, and they cannot describe themselves as a peaceful party, he added.
Akil said the Sunnis reject Judge Bitar's policy; however, criticism only targets Hezbollah and its popular base. "Dar El-Fatwa itself objects to the performance of Judge Bitar, and that is what Speaker Berri has been informed of," he explained.
Akil also reflected on President Aoun's words, saying it seemed as if he were criticizing the peaceful demonstration, although his party demonstrated on several occasions.
"There has been an agreement on a way out and a mechanism on the judicial process. If the current approach continues among the Christian base, Geagea will win said base," Akil asserted.
Akil concluded by commanding the wisdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Prime Minister Najib Mikati, and Speaker Nabih Berri.