£374 million in losses: Staff working from home vulnerable to cyber hacking
A survey from 450 British companies finds that two-thirds suffered a cyber-attack due to a tech issue or due to working from home.
Cyber-attacks due to working from home have caused losses estimated at £374 million since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, according to research conducted by software group Diligent.
A survey of the top 450 finance and risk professionals in UK-listed companies found that close to two-thirds of firms suffered a cyber attack or data breach in the first 18 months of the pandemic. Most of these companies said they lost money or revenue as a result, according to the Daily Mail.
It was found that most of these attacks, specifically 82%, could be attributed to tech issues or behavior related to working from home.
Weak antivirus software, insecure internet connections, and the use of platforms such as Zoom, were huge challenges for businesses working remotely and may continue to be costly for firms seeking a hybrid shift pattern.
Four out of ten businesses and a quarter of charities in the UK experienced cyber breaches in 2021.