Meta refuses Ukraine request to disconnect Russia from Facebook
Meta says it denied disconnecting Russia from Facebook upon Ukraine's request, and Telegram confirms it will not restrict its channels in Russia and Ukraine.
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, denied on Sunday disconnecting Russia from Facebook after requests from Ukrainian citizens following Russia's special operation, Nick Clegg, vice president of Global Affairs and Communications at the company, confirmed.
Clegg pointed out that some Ukrainians have "suggested that we remove access to Facebook and Instagram in Russia."
The Meta official claimed on Twitter that "People in Russia are using Facebook and Instagram to protest and organize against the war and as a source of independent information."
The Ukrainians have also suggested that we remove access to Facebook and Instagram in Russia. However, people in Russia are using FB and IG to protest and organize against the war and as a source of independent information.
— Nick Clegg (@nickclegg) February 27, 2022
According to Clegg, Meta has restricted access in Ukraine to several accounts of some Russian state media organizations upon the Ukrainian government's request.
Telegram will not restrict channels in Russia & Ukraine
In the same context, Telegram founder Pavel Durov, said Sunday that the company may consider restricting news channels within messenger partially or fully in Ukraine and Russia if the ongoing situation in Ukraine escalates.
"If the situation escalates we will consider partially or fully restricting the work of Telegram channels in involved countries during conflict," Durov mentioned.
However, later in the day, Durov confirmed that Telegram decided not to turn off channels in Russia and Ukraine due to mass requests from users.
He also advised users to double-check the news spread on the messenger application.