German Federal Elections: Rocky Horror Meddling Show
The whole political and media landscape of contemporary Germany is a showroom for American interference in a modern industrial nation with huge economic capacities.
The German federal election will be held on 26 September 2021 to elect the members of the 20th Bundestag (national parliament). The biggest news about that is already public since few months: Federal chancellor Angela Merkel, who governed the country for 16 years will retire, another head of government will follow her. It could be her Christian Democrat party comrade Armin Laschet, some hope for Annalena Baerbock from the Green party, or Olaf Scholz from the Social Democrats. It will all depend on the election results on the night of September 26 – what party coalitions might be possible. But generally, one can say already today: Not so many things will change with one of the three chancellor options. None of the three would refuse principally to arm terrorists, none of the three would ever question the political reality of today´s European Union, none of the three is known as an ardent critic of NATO. Germany – everyone in the world might have noticed already – is not much the “nation of change”.
But that doesn´t mean that the German mainstream media wouldn´t find a topic to go mad about over the upcoming elections. Again, it is about the evergreen of elections: “Russian meddling”. In the little bit sick fantasies of many German mainstream journalists, legions of Russian computer hackers and intel experts sit in sinister circles and plan to hack the German elections – of course in the interest of the Russian Federation. But such a narrative has some logical traps: None of the three potential future chancellors is known as a pro-Russian cheerleader, there is no Trump-like candidate who challenges the whole German political elite, no underdog attacking EU and NATO. There are three more or less “model students” of transatlantic integration and dedicated promoters of so-called “western values”. All three are friends of the US, all three are somehow happy that Joe Biden is now leading the US and not anymore Donald Trump.
Those figures in German politics challenging that system have – let us be realistic and serious – no chance at all to move into the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. The left Die Linke has in polls around 6%, the right populist AfD 12% points. Even if they would merge their forces, what would not happen before the wedding of the Roman-Catholic Pope in Rome, they have no chance to take over Germany.
But anyway: Mainstream media is in an alarmist way warning, “evil Moscow would take influence, meddle and flood our German brains with “fake news” to confuse us so much that we forget at the end what is good for us and what not”. This whole theatre and scare campaign led by powerful mainstream public and corporate media - this “shadow-boxing” against an imaginary opponent – all that is done...but what for?
The answer: This whole spectacle simply proves the US meddling in Germany. Not just in case of the upcoming elections, but for more than 70 years.
The whole political and media landscape of contemporary Germany is a showroom for American interference in a modern industrial nation with huge economic capacities. A spider web of German-American NGOs, individuals, publishing houses and companies – and of course US Intel activities – is taking care, that it stays that way.
The loudest scaremonger about “Russian interference” is the powerful Springer publishing house in Berlin. Some months ago they warned that Russia might try to launch a campaign against Green candidate Baerbock because of her outspoken pro-American views. In addition, her fellow party member Robert Habeck was recently promoted to send weapons to Ukraine for fighting Russia. Joe Biden’s heart for sure melted after such statements. And – both, Baerbock and Habeck spoke out frequently against the German-Russian energy project Nord Stream 2. Neither Laschet nor Scholz did that until today.
Why is it necessary to mention the Springer publishing house in this context? It is the largest publishing house in whole Europe, they command a certain line of reporting, they have influence in politics. Springer can make a politician “big”, Springer can assassinate medially, destroy a politician. Springer is a non-elected political power. And: Springer is an American boot on German soil.
This is not even a secret or a conspiracy: The “values and principles” every employee of the house has to agree to, are quite open and clear. The third paragraph of those “values and principles” says: “We advocate the transatlantic alliance between the United States of America and Europe.”
Maybe one would say: “Ok, some crazy pro-American Germans that are publishing newspapers and media got incredibly rich with that, and dominate today the European market.”
But this is an unlikely scenario. Springer has its today´s market power and influence because of – one might guess it – “US meddling”. In an interview with the US-American news magazine The Nation, former CIA workers claimed that Springer publishing house, in its early years, received seven Million US-Dollars from the CIA budget. Experts consider that claim as credible. This is – who would disagree – like a chapter of a textbook about meddling and foreign interference.
The whole scare campaign against “Russian meddling of German elections” can be seen as two things: As a form of whataboutism to distract from the real problem of American influence and domination, and as a strategy to silence and cancel anyone who disagrees with the American domination, since that politician can only be an “agent of influence of Russia” by the logics of Washington´s acolytes in Germany.