On Biden’s “summit for democracy”
The US supports coups against democratically elected authorities, assassinated revolutionaries, dropped nuclear bombs on civilians, and supports the Israeli neo-nazi regime. The United States looks to be the last regime on earth to give lectures about democracy.
President Biden summoned his allies for a likely - perhaps very likely - military showdown with China and Russia. The pretext was a "Summit for Democracy", a spawn whose legitimacy very few people sincerely believe. The “allied” governments of the United States (a clientele with recruits around the world, beginning with the European governments) know that this is a farce whose true purpose is to align forces to accompany the irresponsible American military escalation that could lead to a war of vast proportions, with epicenters in Ukraine and Taiwan. The belligerent intention of Washington is evident when it invites, as if it were an independent country, to Taiwan, a rebellious province of China but indisputably, by history and geography, an integral part of its territory.
The Biden administration's excuses for this remote meeting are threefold: contain the growing threat of authoritarian regimes or ruthless autocracies; fight corruption and promote Human Rights. On all three issues, the United States' performance has been disappointing if not disastrous. His continued support for dictatorships around the world, from Southeast Asia to Latin America and the Caribbean, through Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, is well known. Listing the specific cases would take entire pages that exceed the limits of this note. Let us remember his involvement in the overthrow, assassination and disappearance of Patrice Lumumba in January 1961 in the nascent post-colonial Congo; his open participation in the coup that culminated in the fall of the government of Salvador Allende in Chile; his outspoken support for the neo-Nazi coup that took place in Ukraine in February 2014; or the protection granted to Chun Doo-Hwan, the bloody dictator of South Korea who in August 1980 machine-gunned hundreds of protesters with helicopters supplied by Washington. Both the White House and the European chancelleries abstained from condemning such a brutal crime and opted for silence.
As recognized by the “Economist Intelligence Unit” of the very conservative magazine The Economist, America's democratic credentials are at least “flawed”. For this reason, in its democratic development index, the United States ranks number 25, far behind the Nordic countries that top the ranking. Despite this, Biden believes he has sufficient credentials to deliver lectures on democracy and decide which countries are democratic and which are not. In addition, he seems to have forgotten that he is the ruler of a country that has a very sad record on Human Rights. No other terrorist act in the world compares to the atomic bombs that the United States dropped on two defenseless Japanese cities. Moreover, little value seems to be placed on Human Rights by successive American governments who have maintained a long-term strategic alliance for decades with the monstrous monarchy of Saudi Arabia, fond of beheading her political opponents. Several guests at the meeting have a disastrous record on Human Rights and yet are summoned to receive Biden's blessing. Let's just think about the permanent protection that the United States offers to the narco-government of Iván Duque, despite the average one assassination of a social leader per day perpetrated by Colombian security agencies; or the semi dictatorship of Sebastián Piñera, who repressed peaceful protesters with calculated cruelty for long months; or to the protection of the major political puppet of South America, Juan Guaidó, President “in charge” of Venezuela appointed by Donald Trump, and now exalted as a star guest at the democratic conversation; or the Israeli neo-Nazi regime, which not only steals land from the original settlers of the region, the Palestinians, but also slaughters them in the face of the indifference of most "democratic governments" of the world. It should be remembered that for more than half a century, Israel has been the first recipient of US “military aid”, and its abuses hardly appear in the reports on the situation of Human Rights in the world that the State Department prepares annually.
That is why we say that this meeting is a sham, a joke in bad taste for the millions of people around the world who are struggling to build democratic regimes. Many American academics now refuse to speak of their country as a democracy. Noam Chomsky, Jeffrey Sachs, Sheldon Wolin, among others, prefer to use the term "plutocracy" to characterize the political system of their country. That is, government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Despite this, Biden and his cronies put together this masquerade to align forces against China and Russia. The verdict of history will be unappeasable condemning this criminal maneuver