Seif Al-Quds battle: A military setback for "Israel's" colonial-settler occupation (Part II)
The reality of Zionism as a colonial and imperialist ideology and its real history has been suppressed by political myths.
Seif Al-Quds battle: A military setback for "Israel's" colonial-settler occupation (Part II)
The nature of the Zionist Israeli project has to be understood.
Since 1948, "Israel" has served as a military outpost for the operations of Anglo-American Imperialism in the heart of the Arab world in Palestine, in the Middle East and West Asia including in Iran and Yemen; in adjacent regions of Africa; for better financial and political control of South and Central Asia; and since 1990 for the control of Ukraine, Russia, the Russian borderlands and former Soviet Republics. Israeli security agencies and advisers intermeddle in internal security issues in Sri Lanka and India, and in India’s neighborhood to assist in the fragmentation of countries and societies in South Asia through extremist right-wing organizations using several strategies, to create and then manipulate and widen fractures, including the strategy of covert/ false flag incidents and bomb blasts to incite religious, racial and national strife, to weaken national unity and set back sovereign economic development by internal political subversion, including the use of fascist propaganda and hate campaigns against minorities or nationalities in these countries; and if possible to ignite civil wars. This Zionist policy was extended to Ukraine for more than two decades as the resources of Ukraine were to be taken over and looted. It was necessary to divert the attention of the Ukrainian people from the real nature of this project which pauperized them, to establish a proxy US and UK led NATO state in Ukraine in collaboration with Ukrainian-Israeli Oligarchs, such as the Ukrainian citizen of Jewish origin Igor Kolomoisky, now based in "Israel", whose creation and political nominee or puppet is President Volodymyr Zelensky. Ukraine is an example of another country used by Zionists and the state of "Israel" collaborating with Anglo-American and NATO Imperial financial and corporate interests to loot the resources of Ukraine and incite a wider war as a diversion.
This does not imply that the European “Jewish Holocaust” was not a reality. Approximately forty percent of those killed in the European Jewish holocaust were citizens from the former USSR. The truth is that the Jewish holocaust was smaller in scale than the holocaust of the Slavs of Russia of the former USSR and Eastern Europe by Nazi Germany, which is deliberately suppressed to glorify and create a false image of "Israel's" perpetual victimhood. To understand and analyze "Israel's" policy towards Palestinians and its involvement in so many regions, it is necessary to objectively research on the militarist ideology and expansionism of the Israeli State and its role since 1948, and even earlier, on the role of the World Zionist Organization. Academics and journalists are now exposing what was earlier suppressed, that is the support from the United States and Great Britain for the establishment of a Nazi State and Italian fascism in Europe in the nineteen twenties and nineteen thirties, in preparation for the Second World War; and the close collaboration between the richest Companies of the United States and Banks in the US and in Great Britain with German Financiers and Corporations in the creation of Hitler and the Nazi party. These disclosures highlight the involvement of Ford, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, IBM and other US Companies and their use of slave labor in Nazi Germany. There is now conclusive evidence that without oil supplied from the United States by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company it was not possible for the Nazi Army, the ‘Wehrmacht’ to occupy almost the whole of Europe or to wage war on the former USSR.
Not so well known about this dark period of the Slav and Jewish holocaust by European fascism, is the extent of the collaboration of the World Zionist Organization with the British and Americans on the one hand and the Nazi party on the other, to ruthlessly facilitate forced migration of German and European middle income and working-class Jewish citizens to Palestine, to establish a Zionist supremacist colonial and Apartheid regime of "Israel" on Palestinian territory in the Middle East. It cannot be forgotten that ideological leaders of the World Zionist Organization acted against the interests of the working and middle income European Jewish citizens who were to be compelled to leave Europe. Ideologues of the World Zionist Organization propagated that only the sufferings of Jewish people in Europe would compel them to migrate to British controlled Palestine, and that this forced migration was necessary for the World Zionist Organization to establish a Jewish homeland exclusively for the Jewish people by seizing Palestinian and thereafter adjacent Arab lands and river waters . The middle income and working class European Jewish people were cannon fodder not only for the Nazis, they were equally cannon fodder for the World Zionist Organization and the Anglo-American project for colonization of Palestine in the period prior to and during the Second World War. The objective was to increase European Jewish suffering to assist the "Israel" project. To prevent European Jews from migrating to the United States of America, laws were enacted in the United States deliberately restricting Jewish migration (except Scientists and Intellectuals who were a prized category) into the United States until after "Israel" was established, to compel middle income and working class European Jews to migrate to Palestine and to serve with the British army in both World Wars, in order to assist the British occupation and Mandate of Palestine, which led to the establishment of the Zionist “state of "Israel".
The Palestinian National Resistance is a recognized National Liberation Movement and has a right to liberate its territories by adopting different strategies. "Israel" was never a democratic or republican project contrary to global corporate media propaganda. "Israel" was founded on the principle of Racial superiority of the Jewish or ‘Chosen People’, with similarities to the ‘ Superior Race’ theory of Nazi Germany. "Israel" is a highly militarist surveillance “state” like Nazi Germany. Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide of Palestinians was a state objective from the very outset. Lands, villages and homes of Palestinians were taken over and handed over to Jewish settlers from Europe and the United States among other countries. There are laws in "Israel" deterring inter-racial marriages between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. Ethiopian Jews who are Africans have been brutally attacked and discriminated against in "Israel". Like Nazi Germany, "Israel" is based on the principle of expansion by military means for the superior ‘Chosen people’, similar to the concept of ‘Lebensraum’ or Imperial territorial expansion for the superior race of Aryan Germans and Germany in territories and resources which were to be acquired by depopulating and killing Slavs in the former Soviet Union and in East Europe. This is the same pattern that "Israel" has followed, military expansionism for the so-called ‘Chosen People’ by the occupation of land and rivers of Palestine and neighboring Arab States. "Israel" has invaded and occupied land and taken over river systems of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and earlier, of Egypt.
The reality of Zionism as a colonial and imperialist ideology and its real history has been suppressed by political myths. It is concealed that the World Zionist Organization through the Zionist Federation of Germany collaborated with and signed an agreement with Hitler and the Nazi Party with the knowledge and acquiescence of the British. The Haavara Agreement of August 25th, 1933 between the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Nazi Party and the Anglo-Palestine Bank established by the British stipulated that out of the proceeds of the property of the European Jewish people confiscated in Nazi Germany, a portion of the proceeds would be released to those Jews whose property was confiscated, only if they agreed to migrate from Germany and Europe to Palestine. This amount was to be credited by European Banks into accounts in the British Anglo-Palestine Bank in Palestine, to be released to Jewish migrants only in Palestine and not if they went elsewhere. By this agreement, it was also agreed by the Nazi party and the Zionist Federation of Germany that a percentage of this amount of the proceeds of the property of European Jews confiscated by the Nazi State would be paid by Nazi Germany to the Jewish Agency established by the British in collaboration with the World Zionist Organization in Palestine. This was one of the initial steps for the implementation of the wider plan to establish a racist and apartheid settler-colonial state of "Israel", as a military forward post for Anglo-American and European Imperialism with the objective of controlling the oil and other resources of the Arab world and West Asia including of Iran. The proceeds of the sale of Jewish property in Nazi Germany released in Palestine to those German Jews who migrated was also to be used to import products from Nazi Germany into Palestine through the British Anglo-Palestine Bank. This historical narrative conclusively establishes that "Israel" was the creature of Anglo-American-Zionist and Nazi collaboration and European Imperialism for the control of the Middle East and a wider region to continue colonialism with new economic, political, and military strategies even as anti-colonial struggles were leading to the independence of many nation-states.
The resistance forces of Palestine and in the wider region have witnessed that every major war in the region waged directly by Anglo-American and NATO forces and their allies directly or by proxy, whether, in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or Yemen is assisted covertly or overtly by "Israel", with Israeli military advisers and/ or specialists or Israeli security agencies or boots on the ground. The Pegasus Israeli Electronic Surveillance System scandal exposed the involvement of "Israel" with the internal and external Security establishment of countries that claim to be sovereign; though no truly sovereign country allows external power to intermeddle with its security, internal or external.
Apart from the violation of every single Human Right of the Palestinian people, there is evidence of Israeli terrorist attacks in Iran against scientists and Israeli cyber warfare against Iran among other activities intended to subvert the Islamic Republic of Iran. "Israel" has for decades attacked and relentlessly bombed Syria and captured Syrian territory in the Golan Heights and its river waters. "Israel" invaded and occupied Lebanon seizing its river waters in innumerable wars, until "Israel's" defeat by the Hezbollah in 2006. "Israel" has extended military and logistical support to ISIS and its front organizations in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. Israeli military advisers have been involved in the war against Yemen, and there is evidence of Israeli military and intelligence involvement in Africa, in particular in East Africa and the Horn of Africa. The Pegasus surveillance scandal exposed Israeli involvement in internal and security-related matters in several countries, including in India. Israeli strategies in support of fascist organizations using bomb blasts and targeting of minorities in South Asia were the subject matter of detailed investigation in cases filed. "Israel" also serves as the inspiration for bulldozing operations of homes and establishments of minority and Scheduled caste communities in India. "Israel" has supplied prohibited weaponry such as cluster bullet ammunition for use against civilians in the Kashmir Valley. Israeli involvement in the earlier civil war in Sri Lanka between state forces and Tamil militants with both sides trained by Israeli forces was exposed by a former Mossad agent. "Israel's" role in inciting the Sri Lankan state against its Muslim minorities is also suspect.
The interventions of "Israel" in so many parts of the world establish that "Israel" is not a normal regime. It is a military and Imperial outpost of the Five eyes (intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US) and NATO. "Israel's" military, security and intelligence operations violate the Nuremberg Principles, the United Nations Charter, the Genocide Convention, the Human Rights Convention, the International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions. Yet, despite genocide and ethnic cleansing operations from 1948 onwards in Palestine and violation of innumerable Resolutions of the United Nations, it is not "Israel" which was suspended from the Human Rights Council by Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly; earlier Libya was suspended, a country which was a victim , destroyed by thousands of NATO bombing sorties and now the Russian Federation, despite prima facie evidence that the United States and Zionist Neocons led by Victoria Nuland directly engineered the coup of 2014 after which citizens of Ukraine of Russian nationality on the borderlands of Russia were targeted for genocide and ethnic cleansing through laws and military operations; that the Russian Federation was directly targeted by US led NATO operations and weapon systems positioned in East Europe and in Ukraine; that 30 bio-weapons laboratories funded and controlled by Pentagon were established including on the Russian –Ukrainian border areas for lethal pathogen research posing a clear and present danger to the people of Ukraine and Russia, Eurasia and Asia and other continents from bio-warfare directed from these bio-weapon labs ; that mercenaries have been recruited from several countries by NATO for use in the war in Ukraine; and a Nazi state was established in the Ukraine with Nazi battalions and the Azov Regiment trained by US led NATO forces and "Israel", embedded with Ukrainian military forces, reminiscent of fascist battalions recruited from Ukraine and Poland in the Second World War, in preparation for a wider war.
The outgoing UN Special Rapporteur and Canadian Human Rights Lawyer Michael Lynk on the closing days of his six-year tenure on the situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 has published on the website of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights on April 22 - 2022 statements on the Israeli: “entrenched occupation, which has become indistinguishable from practices of Apartheid, based on the institutional discrimination of one racial-national-ethnic group over another …” and reiterated in an interview that "Israel" has annexed all occupied Palestinian territories and is an Apartheid regime. Yet, "Israel" has neither been suspended nor expelled by the General Assembly from the United Nations. The Seif Al-Quds battle seeks the liberation of Palestine from the continuing genocide of the Palestinian people and the unjust, brutal, racist, and barbaric colonial occupation of over seventy years condoned by the International system.