Contemporary Zionism pursues its assigned role as an advanced military and intelligence base of Anglo-American, European imperialism - Part IV
"Israel’s" overt and covert military and intelligence operations in the Middle East and on adjacent continents are financially supported by the United States and NATO.
Contemporary Zionism pursues its assigned role as an advanced military and intelligence base of Anglo-American, European imperialism - Part IV
To read Part III, click here.
Zionist and "Israel's" policies in Palestinian occupied territories; Israeli military objectives in the region in successive wars in the Middle East against neighboring Arab States; and its covert security and military operations and activities in Iran in West Asia, in adjacent regions of Africa, South Asia, and Eurasia, are an integral part of Anglo-American and NATO policies and objectives in all these regions. "Israel" has also been declared the most important non-member ally of NATO.
“Since the October War of 1973 Washington has provided "Israel" with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct United States economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War II…."Israel" receives over 3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America’s entire foreign aid budget... (John J.Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, The Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy).
The Congressional Research Service’s Report 'US Foreign Aid to Israel' reports: “the United States gave "Israel" $ 3.3 billion for the fiscal year 2020 in direct bilateral military aid referred to as Foreign Military Financing ... Over and above Congress has authorized $500 million for joint US-Israel missile defense programs bringing total aid to "Israel" to $ 3.8 billion a year”. The report estimates that: “the annual Foreign Military Financing to "Israel" represents approximately 20% of the Israeli defense budget. "Israel's" defense expenditure as a percentage of its GDP (5.3 percent in 2019) is one of the highest in the world ... "Israel" has been and continues to be allowed to use approximately 26.3 percent of US military aid to purchase equipment from Israeli manufacturers … no other recipient of US military assistance has been granted this benefit …. Because of US subsidy, "Israel's" arms industry has become one of the more prominent in the world. "Israel" is the 7th largest arms supplier … Between 2001 and 2008, "Israel" sold $9.9 billion worth of equipment... In 2019 "Israel" sold $ 7.2 billion in military goods to the world”.
A US government source estimates “that Israel uses $1.1 billion from out of the US subsidy to directly support its domestic budget … The US also contributes additional funds for a joint US-Israeli Missile Security Program designed to thwart short-range missiles and rockets fired by Hezbollah and Hamas as well as mid-and longer-range ballistic missiles, a reference to the arsenals of Iran and Syria. Arrow II, Arrow III, David’s sling, and Iron Dome are some of these projects under the umbrella of the Missile Defense program. This US Congressional Research Service estimate is conservative and lists only the US' ‘visible aid’ to "Israel" and not US and NATO covert largesse and financial assistance for secret military programs and covert security operations in different parts of the world.
This failure to expose the entirety of the Anglo-American-Zionist and NATO-Israeli project by jurists with exceptions, has led not to mere violations of Human Rights as is being argued by Human Right NGOs funded by Western Foundations; there is daily barbarism in Palestine, with the murder of individual Palestinians and hundreds of Palestinian and Arab journalists including at Israeli constructed checkpoints and by Israeli settlers near settlements; massacres of Palestinians are ongoing to continuously depopulate Palestinians, apart from successive military invasions and operations in Gaza and attacks in the West Bank and other Palestinian territories. "Israel" with the political, military, and financial support of Anglo-American and NATO Imperialism is deliberately inflicting on Palestinians “conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians in whole and in part,” which is prohibited by Article 2 (e) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted on 9 December 1948. Every country extending military, political, and financial support to the Zionist Israeli entity is complicit in the Crime of Genocide of the people of Palestine.
"Israel" has neither been expelled nor suspended by the United Nations Human Rights Council, unlike Libya, deliberately destroyed by thousands of NATO bombing sorties to seize Libyan gold, foreign exchange reserves and assets in Western Banks and oil resources. Similarly, the Russian Federation was unjustly suspended from the UN Human Rights Council, though compelled to launch a military operation to de-Nazify and de-militarize Ukraine, to protect the people of Russian nationality of Eastern Ukraine against ethnic cleansing and genocide perpetrated by the Ukrainian government in collaboration with NATO and Zionist Ukrainian Oligarchs. Russia had no other choice but to begin military operations to destroy Pentagon-funded and operated Bio-weapons laboratories on the Ukrainian-Russian border and in Russia’s neighborhood, and the massive weapon arsenals and continuous supplies of equipment by NATO to Ukraine, posing an existential threat to the Russian Federation.
Most political analysts equally failed to expose the nature of the project of Zionism’s ‘Chosen People’ or ‘Exceptional people’, a claim made in all British and European Colonial-Settler Projects. Such illegal, criminal, genocidal, racist, and apartheid projects do not cease, unless they are rolled back or defeated. The extermination of the Native and Indigenous population of North America in the United States and Canada by British and European settlers; the genocide in South America and the Caribbean of Indigenous people by the Spanish conquistadores among others; the extermination of the native population of Australia and New Zealand used by the British as penal colonies and for settlement; the establishment of former Apartheid States of South Africa and in former Rhodesia are some examples.
This failure of Jurists has led to an incorrect approach limited to a focus primarily on Human Rights violations, Resolutions of the Security Council, the General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council and petitioning of the International Criminal Court; with abortive mediation and negotiation efforts made, such as the disastrous Oslo accords. Whereas it is necessary to address the real nature of the American and European Zionist project and strategy in Palestine, for the entire region and adjacent continents, to initiate a wider movement to dismantle the entire illegal Israeli Colonial-Settler Apartheid State project; without this focus and in-depth understanding, genocide, ethnic cleansing and massacre of Palestinians, seizure of Palestinian homes, villages and places of worship in "Israel" and Palestinian territories; the attacks on Gaza, the West Bank and on other occupied Palestinian territories and within "Israel" will continue; as well as wars of aggression on countries in the neighborhood of Palestine, in the Middle East, in West Asia, in Africa, in Eurasia, in South Asia, to secure the military primacy of Anglo-American-Zionist Imperialism.
The Great Jewish Scholar Yeshayahu Leibowitz warned that if the colonial occupation of Palestine was not ended “it would give rise to a corrupt rabbinate which would warp Judaism into a fascist cult”. Zionism is a global fascist cult allied with Anglo-American global interests, which threatens the people of Palestine and citizens in many countries. Zionism in collaboration with NATO has extended its covert and overt military and intelligence operations using "Israel" as a base to the Middle East, Iran, the Horn of Africa, East Africa, Eurasia including Ukraine, and even as far as South Asia; earlier in Sri Lanka with Mossad training all sides during the civil war, and now for several years to India.
Eminent Professors, Academicians and political researchers in the United States including Professor John Mearsheimer and Professor Stephen Walt, authors of ‘The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy’ conceded that Zionists and Zionist organizations in the United States, primarily the American "Israel" Public Affairs Committee, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the Anti-Defamation League, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, the Christians for "Israel", the American Jewish Congress, the Zionist Organization of America, "Israel" Policy Forum, the American Jewish Committee, among several others, influence United States policy and dominate the most important think tanks including the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Neoconservative ‘Project for the New American Century’ among others; control the policies of the United States of America, and are the dominant financial and political lobby in the United States. The media in the United States is dominated by Zionist interests and influenced by the Media Watchdog group the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting.
Zionist Banking and financial interests in the United States of America have influenced United States policy along with the British Think Tanks and Foundations, from the establishment of the private Federal Reserve Bank in the United States on December 23, 1913, representing powerful private banking and financial interests. It was after the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States that President Wilson was influenced by the powerful US and British Zionist banking and financial interests to support Britain in the First World War among other such policies. The negotiations of the disastrous 1919 Treaty of Versailles which led to the Second World War were also dominated by banking interests, as per the statement of the then British Prime Minister David Lloyd George. The Anglo-Zionist lobby has influenced successive Presidents of the United States and administrations to date against the interests of the people of the United States.