Biden’s ‘freeing Iran’ means weakening the militarized Palestinian Intifada
Bibi may have returned, but he is facing a drastically changed political scenario with a new Palestinian Intifada brewing, but this time armed, and not just with stones.
Biden’s ‘freeing Iran’ means weakening the militarized Palestinian Intifada
Against the background of ongoing Iran riots, where ISIS and MEK terrorists are actively pretending to defend women’s rights, bombing religious shrines and killing innocents, in "Israel", like some horror story, “Bibi is back.”
Just in time, it appears to add fuel to the fire with his limited political rhetoric which begins and ends with the “existential threats from Iran's nuclear program to Palestinian statehood.”
For someone who has cried wolf for decades, regarding ‘so-called threats’ from Iran, well it appears the wolf has arrived; and along with it came the Lion’s Den and Falcon’s Nests, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Islamic Jihad, all fiery young Palestinians fuelled with the anger of having their families and friends killed and tortured, infused with the belief they have “nothing to lose but their chains.”
Bibi may have returned, but he is facing a drastically changed political scenario with a new Palestinian Intifada brewing, but this time armed, and not just with stones.
The future looks volatile, as this time around, Netanyahu will be sharing power with the Jewish supremacist Ben Gvir Kahane movement, whose bloodthirsty members urge for the “killing of all Arabs” and implementing the messianic goal to destroy Al Aqsa and build the Jewish Temple.
"Israel’s" military intelligence is haunted by Imam Khomeini’s famous words reiterated by Iran’s leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei and also Henry Kissinger that "Israel’s" existence will come to an early end.
With recent developments, it is not surprising that "Israel" is on high alert calling for urgent action as “Israel is currently enmeshed in a multi-front campaign” it has never experienced before. Brig. Gen. Udi Dekel, who headed the department of strategic planning in the IOF and was an advisor to Netanyahu, stated that this threat involves “a military confrontation with Hamas,” “riots in mixed Jewish-Arab cities,” and tensions on the so-called "Temple Mount".
He also points to the demise of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which "Israel" worked with to control its people, and “the rise of groups like the Lion’s Den (Areen Al-Osoud) whose successful operations” have encouraged Palestinians to join the struggle against the Israeli occupation.
According to an article in the Jerusalem center for public affairs, Iran is at the root of this Intifada, arguing that the Gaza War in 2021 was a wakeup call for "Israel", “that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hamas, and Hezbollah coordinated the military confrontation in Gaza from a military operations center in Beirut” with IRGC Quds Force Commander, General Qaani, visiting to attend meetings.
The Israelis blamed Iran for the Palestinians' success in Gaza during "Operation Guardians of the Walls" and the support given by Ayatollah Khamenei, urging Palestinians to unify, whereby he stated, “Today, unity is the main weapon of the Palestinians… if Palestinian unity is maintained, all their attempts to break that unity will fail.”
Therefore, it is no coincidence that Israelis have brought back Netanyahu whose foreign policy focuses no further than Iran, especially at a time when there is also a regime change attempt through an operation taking place against the country; a fact which President Biden affirmed when he stated, “We are going to free Iran,” going against the White House’s official position of strategic ambiguity.
While US officials excused Biden’s remarks as a "misunderstanding", the gaffes are an interesting unofficial insight into the mindset of the war hawks in Washington. The two other gaffes did raise some eyebrows, one being that the Ukraine war was part of establishing the new world order, while the other more baffling one involved Biden looking into Islam and the “Hidden Imam, the Mahdi.”
Instead of blaming these gaffes on his senility, one can argue that Biden is only expressing the core concerns of his Zionist advisors whose discussion on these hot topics is taking place around him, which he picks up in between dozing off.
Against the background of the Israeli analysts stating that it was the IRGC, “Hamas, and Hezbollah” who coordinated military confrontation in Gaza and combined this with the success of Resistance groups under the command of the Shadow Commander in Iraq and Syria against US forces and ISIS, it is not surprising that anti-Iran riots were instigated.
Even though the US is deeply embroiled in the Ukraine war and planning the same for China through Taiwan, apparently the Iran regime change could not wait. According to "Israel’s" military, if "Israel" wants to quell the new Intifada it is facing through unified Palestinian groups, it must weaken Iran and its ability to support the Palestinians.
This led to Zionist groups setting into motion every leverage possible for the “Iran regime change operation” from Twitter, Facebook, and all social media platforms churning out fabricated “atrocities” taking place by Iranian security services, in the same way they did in the 2009 ‘Iran protests', forgetting the daily atrocities taking place in "Israel" where hundreds of Palestinians bleed to death, where the police will not let ambulances in, while they watch and laugh and throw insults at the dying.
The media narrative against Iran is the same one used against President Assad in Syria in 2011 by Washington, only then it was all about “human rights”. The strategy was also the same, employing the services of terror groups with Senator McCain meeting the neck-slitting blood-drinking members of ISIS, promising them funds and weaponry while posing to take selfies.
However, as mentioned earlier, the whole scenario has changed. Iran is a lot stronger today being allied with Russia and China and a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Today, the US has to worry about Iran's drones and its hypersonic ballistic missiles that can penetrate any defense system.
More importantly, it was Iran’s success in the Shadow wars led by the commander of Al-Quds Force, the martyred General Soleimani, who organized Resistance groups trained by Hezbollah, and in conjunction with Russia, defeated Al-Nusra and ISIS groups working on the same agenda as the US and "Israel" to control Iraq and Syria, as a US general in a CNN interview had revealed that ISIS had been "created by our friends and allies to defeat Hezbollah," pointing to "Israel" and Gulf monarchies.
It is against this background of anger and frustration that Biden made the gaffe about looking into the “hidden Imam". If examined closely, he was referencing to Shia Islam considering that Sunni Muslims do not believe the Imam is born yet; it is Shias who believe the Imam is alive and in occultation. Biden was also probably influenced by Zionists posing as western journalists who went on TV programs backed by fearmongering documentaries that ‘Iran’s hidden Imam wants to bring Armageddon on the world’ is inspiring resistance groups.
Therefore, it was not surprising that the Director for External Affairs at ‘The Moshe Dayan Centre for Middle Eastern and African Studies’ stated in 2009, “Israel is now a strange partner of the Sunni Arab states” and went on to garner support from the Gulf monarchies against Iran.
For the US and "Israel", the aim was to ferment a Shia-Sunni conflict. The West highlighted it was the religious factor behind Iran’s successes that they had to dislodge; the influence of Ayatollahs whom they tried to portray as ‘archaic’ and ‘fundamentalists’. This attack on Shia ideology is visible in the actions of the anti-Iran protesters who are posting videos of pushing the turban off the clerics' heads and killing some. The French government, known for its hatred of Islam where even a headscarf is seen as lethal, is promoting the attack on clerics in a prominent magazine, with a front page picture of burning turbans saying: “Iran: the Turban burns”.
There is some validity to their worry since no faction has caused more damage to "Israel" and the US than Hezbollah and Resistance groups under the command of the martyred General Soleimani. According to US reports, thousands of Resistance fighters gathered from countries like Pakistan, Bahrain, Iran, Lebanon, and Afghanistan had come to protect the region against ISIS terror groups.
General Soleimani building Resistance groups and arranging for Palestinians to be armed had become a serious threat to "Israel’s" existence. The victory of the Resistance groups under Soleimani inspired confidence in those fighting US-Israeli oppression, and many Palestinian leaders publicly thanked him, acknowledging that “without Iran's financial, military and political support, Hamas and Islamic Jihad would not have been able to maintain their control over the Gaza Strip.”
This explains the coordinated operation underway headed by the US, "Israel", and western governments, with the same Zionist advocates of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) who destroyed the Middle East now under the new name of the National Endowment for Democracy proudly announcing their NGOs are active in Iran.
For "Israel", it is imperative for its survival that Iran is destabilized and weakened, as they believe this will lead Iran to withdraw its support to the Palestinians.
However, as they say, one cannot put the genie back into the bottle with regard to Iran’s growing status, the success of Al Quds Force and Hezbollah, and the growing successes of unified Palestinian groups.
To his credit, Imam Khomeini always ensured over the decades that Iran and the Muslim world would not forget that the ultimate liberation of Palestine would always be the core issue. He also advocated that the only way it could be accomplished is through “armed struggle” since the UN is “an illogical, unjust and completely undemocratic structure... It is through abusing this improper mechanism that America and its accomplices have managed to disguise their bullying as noble concepts and impose it on the world.”
In a fact affirmed by a most revered Jewish Rabbi Schneerson in a 1994 speech when he boasted how Zionists control the UN, he said, “It is not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious 'form of racism and racial discrimination', but because of our victorious march throughout the planet in 1992, it canceled this decision."