Israeli occupation entity brings revenge upon itself
The US will not allow the Israeli occupation to dissolve at the hands of the Resistance, especially in the level of weakness it is currently displaying, as this represents a fragmentation of all Western interests in the region.
The accumulation of failures is leading to the collapse of the entity
What are the Israeli occupation entity and its master America after, by assassinating the high-profile leader Haniyah in Tehran? They are looking for a façade of victory, based on their points of strength. The two main components by which they reign supreme over the Axis of Resistance are:
1) High intelligence, through their net of agents, satellites, and weapons, which can target with high accuracy.
2) Heavy weapons capable of causing complete destruction.
The outcome of the past 10 months demonstrates that the Israeli occupation entity’s deterrence has completely fallen. The Resistance has been leading the battle, while the entity is unable to control Gaza, let alone open the battle on many fronts. The fragmentation witnessed within the entity today is itself self-destructive. There is a lack of vision in the management of Gaza post-war, in contrast with the Axis of Resistance which has strong objectives.
The accumulation of failures is leading to the collapse of the entity, and thus, by extension, regional Western interests. America sees that if the war ended prior to the provoking attacks on Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran, it would have been a full defeat for the entity. This has huge implications for the region itself. For this reason, America sought, alongside the Israeli occupation entity, to get an image of victory through the attacks.
If America had to choose between the collapse of the Israeli occupation entity's deterrence or to expand the war regionally, America would choose to expand the war. That is why it signaled a green light for the entity to carry out the attacks, despite the pending escalation.
The red line for America is that the Israeli occupation entity cannot collapse at the hands of the Axis of Resistance – America wishes to remain in the driver’s seat by leading its policies in the region, seeking to determine and limit the role of the entity, according to the necessity of its existence and size.
To maintain new levels of deterrence in favor of the Resistance, it is expected that the nature of the response will be harsh and equal in weight to maintain the balance of deterrence. If the Israeli occupation entity responds to the Resistance attacks strongly, the war will expand. It is here that America will pressure the entity not to respond strongly - since it cannot confront on its own and America seeks to close this round of escalation.
The red line for America is that the Israeli occupation entity does not drag it to a war it is not ready for. It is America who is leading the strategy for war. America is not ready for a big war, and for this reason, Biden told Netanyahu that America will "defend" the entity against attacks but will not support it in further offensive action.
All of America's efforts now are directed at pressuring Netanyahu to reach a compromise agreement against the backdrop of this façade of victory, which will end the war on the northern front and reduce Iran's damning and awaited response. This is unlikely before the upcoming Iranian response since Netanyahu doesn't seek to end the war at this moment. In any case, the Axis of Resistance will not accept reaching a deal on the ruins of this façade of victory amid a strong response that will blow it out of the water. The Resistance is likely to hit sensitive strategic important targets, and Iran will attack based on the attack on its sovereignty – without the intention of leading to further escalation.
The Israeli occupation entity now is begging for the West to form a coalition to protect it - as if that is what their primary function is. Rather, the entity was created to protect Western interests. America is bringing its forces of power to the region to intercept the incoming planes and missiles, while the Israeli occupation entity is taking all kinds of expensive and precautious measures to reduce the effect of the hit.
While the attack on Iran seems big, it is known that America has strong intelligence and damage capabilities. The intent behind this attack was to give the Israeli settler entity, which is on the verge of a civil war, a boost in morale. Meanwhile, they are seeking to attack the morale of the people of the Resistance camp, imposing a sense of defeatism on them. However, this façade of victory is simply a cover-up to the total failures of the entity in meeting its objectives. The failures may have only slightly been corrected with these high-profile assassinations, however, that does not demonstrate the true components of victory.
It was deemed so important for the Israeli occupation entity to achieve a façade of victory, such that other pending risks, including the reaction from their attacks, are not as significant as the imminent fragmentation within the entity. This is occurring against the backdrop of America struggling to find a post-war solution, since no Arab entity, including Palestinians, has the guts to sit on the rivers of Palestinian blood in Gaza. Both factors led America to agree to action they would not have otherwise signaled a green light for, out of fear of war expansion, since the collapse of the Israeli occupation entity is greater than the risk of an expanded war.