Unhinging the Gates of Gaza
The Israelis want to weaken and divide European countries in order to propose a solution that introduces a global Zionist State.
![Unhinging The Gates of Gaza](https://media.almayadeen.tv/archive/image/2021/6/30/a772824b-e2ac-4a43-a0e2-776b8e676752.png?v=3)
The Zionist entity wants to turn the world into Gaza. The recent Israeli bombing in Gaza, where hundreds of innocent civilians were massacred, was not merely a criminal act but also a deeply symbolic one. In the Old Testament book of Judges, Gaza symbolizes the world where men are imprisoned by sin. I am not suggesting here that Palestinians are imprisoned in Gaza due to their sin; instead, the city is itself a symbol of man's destiny in a godless world. Gaza represents, in a religious sense, the fate of mankind.
In the Old Testament’s Book of Judges, Samson managed to lift the gates of Gaza onto his back to escape his enemies.
The Zionist entity has a stockpile of nuclear weapons that have never been inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency, even though it has been bombing and invading its neighbors since its inception in 1948. But it is Iran’s development of nuclear power for civil purposes which threatens world peace!
According to Israeli academic Martin Van Creveld, the Israeli military possesses nuclear weapons positioned to target cities in Europe, if such an attack is deemed necessary. They call it the ‘Samson Option’: if "Israel" is to be destroyed in a war, it will destroy the entire world.
Europe is now weaker than ever before. There is much talk of civil war in France, with a Zionist Right blaming ‘Islamization’.
Yet, the role of Zionists in triggering the crisis is ignored. For example, “IsraAid” is openly bragging about migrant smuggling in Europe. The Israelis want to weaken and divide European countries in order to propose a solution that introduces a global Zionist State. Rabbi David Touitou says Wahhabi Islam is the broomstick of “Israel”.
Zionist Prison Wardens
Last year, the French government employed the American Bain & Company consultancy firm, in order to manage the logistics of coronavirus lockdown. Israeli Orit Gadiesh, who is close to Mossad, is the company chairman. So, for the past year, the destiny of the incarcerated French nation has effectively been controlled by the Israelis - and they have been excellent prison wardens!
Most of the politicians and scientists responsible for the sanitary dictatorship in France are Jews, with links to “Israel”. The pro-Israeli far-right harps on about the problem of the dual nationality among French Muslims. But it never mentions the apparent dual citizenship of the ruling class, many of whom have Israeli passports and links to the Mossad.
General Delawarde, a former French military Intelligence chief, is currently facing criminal charges after telling CNEWS that Jews have monopolized international media. The Bastille is filling up with people incarcerated for stating that forbidden fact.
Jacques Attali, a member of B'nai B'rith who created French president Emmanuel Macron, is the unofficial king of France. He said that in the future it will be a luxury to escape constant digital surveillance. In a recording talk he gave to co-religionists he clearly states that, as a Jew, he does not believe Gentiles are human beings. Attali has not hidden the fact that he wants to see a world government with Jerusalem as its capital. He wants to turn the world into Gaza!
Eric Zemmour, a Jewish essayist, political journalist, writer, and self-styled enemy of “political correctness” is becoming a major political force in France. He may even run for presidency in next year’s election.
Zemmour says that, unlike Muslims, Jews have always been integrated in France. It is a historical falsification that preys upon public ignorance. When Louis IX ruled France, Jews were repressed due to their constant violations of Christian laws, such as the practice of usury.
The people who are forcing us to wear ‘face coverings’ as part of their new COVID-world religion are the same ones that persecute Muslim women for wearing hijabs. A Muslim woman was kicked out of a voting center on June 27 in France’s regional elections due to her hijab.
The best right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen can do is to rant about ‘security’ from Muslims, when most people want security from the totalitarian State!
What future is waiting for our children in this new world-Gaza? Thousands of Palestinian children are incarcerated in Israeli prisons. They are often tortured and sexually abused. Thousands of orphaned Middle Eastern children, victims of Zionist wars, are smuggled to Europe as sex slaves for our sick ruling elite. Some of our perverted leaders participate in LGBTQPZ pride parades. It is also illegal to criticize the rainbow brigade in 'free Europe'.
Pride is turning the world into Gaza. There is no need for the Zionists to point nukes at Europe; their media outlets have already brainwashed our people into committing collective suicide.
A Samson Option?
The Zionist fantasy of global domination is deluded. In reality, "Israel" does not have a ‘Samson Option’; for Samson is a type of Christ.
When he carried the Gates of Gaza on his shoulders, he prefigured Jesus carrying the Cross to Golgotha to build his Church, against which the Gates of Hell would not prevail. Golgotha means ‘skull’, and this refers back to Samson defeating the Philistines with the skull of a donkey.
Samson defeated his enemies by collapsing the pillars of the Temple of Dagon, prefiguring Christ defeating death through his self-sacrifice on the Cross. The Mystical Body of Christ is the ‘new temple’. That is why the Jews will never succeed in rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem: it will fall down on their heads like the pillars of Dagon!
Christ’s crucifixion inaugurated a New Israel in his mystical body, the traditional Roman Catholic Church, God’s kingdom on earth. That is why the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church condemns Zionism. For Sion belongs to Christ who the Jews say is burning in hell. Gaza’s suffering is the symbol of a Zionist world dystopia. But the etymology of Gaza in Hebrew is ‘strong’. Knowing these things gives us the strength of faith to unhinge those gates!