Contemporary Zionism pursues its assigned role as an advanced military and intelligence base of Anglo-American, European imperialism - Part I
This part discusses the reasons behind the failure of jurists to analyze the real nature of Zionism and the Western Israeli military and intelligence project.
Part I
The real nature of Zionism and the Zionist Israeli project, which is closely allied to and an extension of Anglo-American and European Imperialist policy and global reach and constitutes an advanced military and intelligence base in occupied Palestine, in the heart of the Middle East, aimed at controlling governments and resources of a wider region, including Iran, the Horn of Africa, East Africa, Central and South Africa, and South Asia and Eurasia... this nature has not been analyzed in depth by jurists, with a few exceptions, for several reasons.
In the post-Second World War era, there was an ideological and scholastic disinclination to question the political myths advanced by Anglo-American and European political leadership, academics, and others to justify the establishment of "Israel" and the real nature of Zionism. Jurists failed to question the theories of permanent ‘Jewish victimhood’ and the ‘Chosen People' advanced by Zionism to establish a colonial, racist, and apartheid "state", perpetrating crimes against the Palestinian people in violation of the Nuremberg Principles formulated in the aftermath of the Second World War to prevent crimes of waging wars of aggression, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Perpetrating these crimes was integral to this project from the very outset of its creation.
Zionist, British, American, and European academics dominated and controlled the historical and contemporary political narrative on Zionism and the Zionist project to establish a colonial-settler state and the objectives and reasons behind the European Jewish holocaust of the Second World War perpetrated by Nazi Germany and by the ruling classes of Europe in collaboration with Nazi Germany.
The true nature of the Zionist project was known to British, American, and European elites supporting the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party. It is now known that leading British Banks and US financial institutions and companies covertly and overtly collaborated in funding the Nazi party and investing in Nazi Germany. The best and brightest US companies in Nazi Germany used slave labor. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company supplied petroleum, necessary for the ‘Wehrmacht’ the German army to occupy the whole of Europe and invade the former USSR.
From 1897 onward, in collaboration with British, American, and European Imperialism, elaborate political and legal theses were advanced to justify the objectives of the Zionist movement and its racist colonial-settler project for colonization of Palestine and the wider region; including the takeover of river waters and resources of Palestine and adjacent Arab territories with a projected plan to occupy territories from the ‘Nile to the Euphrates’, and later to extend Zionist control even beyond to other adjacent regions and continents, as advanced by the Israeli ‘Odet- Yinon Plan’ in the early nineteen eighties to manipulate diversities of religious belief, race, tribe and other sectarian divisions in targeted countries with the aim of fracturing their unity and sovereignty.
Zionist ideologues and their Anglo-Saxon and European allies were aware from the outset that the Israeli colonial–settler project, due to the economic limitations of the availability of agricultural land and water resources in Palestine to support the increased influx of European Jewish settlers contemplated by Zionists, was predicated on the depopulation of the Indigenous Palestinian Arab people and their expulsion into refugee camps by ethnic cleansing and genocide and waging of wars against neighboring Arab States to seize their river waters and fertile regions so as to ensure the necessary higher living standards required for the continuous immigration of European and other Jewish settlers into "Israel".
The British Command Paper of 1922 on Jewish immigration followed by the British White Paper of 1939 stated that the economic ability of Palestine to cope with unlimited Jewish immigration was the only inherent limitation on the number of European Jewish migrants permitted into Palestine by the British Colonial and Imperial policy. British Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald, in his communication to Dr. Weizman on Jewish immigration into Palestine, reiterated, “As a matter of policy, economic absorption was the sole criteria” determining British policy for Jewish immigration into Palestine during the British Mandate over Palestine of the League of Nations, which was a de facto British colonial occupation of Palestinian Arab territory after the First World War.
It is evident that even before “the holocaust” of the Second World War ended, another Imperialist and colonial holocaust was planned for Palestinians and for the Arab people neighboring Palestine. This plan was implemented after the Zionist movement began with the Jewish National Fund buying Palestinian land from poor Arab farmers, through temptations and intimidations. The Zionist project initially proceeded gradually, as European Jewish settlers were reluctant to leave Europe to settle in Palestine. It was after the Balfour Declaration of 1917, followed by the British military occupation of Palestine during the First World War, the British Command Paper of 1922, the Resolution of US Congress in 1922 extending United States support for the ‘Jewish homeland’, the establishment of the Jewish agency by the British in 1929, and the 1933 Haavara Agreement of the Zionist Federation of Germany with the Nazi Party, agreed by the British Anglo-Palestine Bankon arrangements, that European Jewish could emigrate and take over the Palestinian land and properties. From 1948, the so-called state of “Israel” proceeded to directly seize properties in Palestinian cities, towns, and villages, as well as Palestinian agricultural lands and water resources of Palestine and neighboring Arab countries, which is still ongoing.
It is estimated that Zionist "Israel" is in control of approximately 82% of the territory of Palestine and approximately 77% of Palestinian agricultural, and other types of land have been forcibly seized and taken over by European and American Jewish colonial-settlers with dual citizenship, retaining all linkages to the countries of their origin.
The Israeli government has repeatedly committed massacres and genocidal ethnic cleansing operations from the very outset, killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, beginning with what Palestinians refer to as the catastrophe; i.e. Al-Nakba in Jerusalem, Haifa, and Der Yassin among other areas, and in the period thereafter in the West Bank, Gaza, and other Palestinian territories repeatedly expelling Palestinians into neighboring Arab states.
The ethnic cleansing and genocidal operations against Palestinians never ceased. "Israel" has not limited Palestinian massacres to Palestinian territories occupied by "Israel". It is estimated that between 460 and 3,500 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese people were massacred in Sabra and Shatila in 1982, after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, using mercenary and local Phalangist fascist collaborators, as Israeli occupation forces surrounded the refugee camps and adjacent areas.
The United Nations Secretary-General, based on a report on the Israeli killing of Palestinian children, stated that 78 Palestinian children were killed, 982 were maimed, and 637 were detained and imprisoned by Israeli occupation forces in 2021. There has been no UN General Assembly condemnation of this ongoing genocide of Palestinians, compared to the hysterical reaction to Ukraine, though Palestine has been militarily occupied and colonized by "Israel" for almost 75 years.
Simultaneously with ethnic cleansing operations and genocides perpetrated against Palestinians, successive wars of aggression against neighboring Arab states were waged by "Israel" with Anglo-American and European support from 1948 onward. "Israel" launched aggressive military campaigns against the Arab governments attempting to prevent Israeli expulsion of Palestinians from Palestinian territories and resisting seizure of their river waters and territory for Israeli expansionism.
Zionist pogroms of Palestinians began as early as in the nineteen thirties during the League of Nations British Mandate over Palestine, which is, in reality, a British colonial seizure of Palestinian territory of Greater Syria in the First World War. The British covertly armed the Zionist paramilitary terrorist organization the Haganah and later Irgun, among other Zionist terrorist organizations in British occupied Palestine, to incite brutal Zionist pogroms against Palestinians resisting seizure of their land and property by European Zionist settlers, pursuant to the Anglo-American and Zionist plan of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to establish a ‘Jewish homeland’ in Palestine for European Jewish colonial settlers, intended to serve British and Anglo-American interests in the Middle East and the wider region. These paramilitary Zionist terrorist organizations were later absorbed into the Israeli military occupation forces just before the 1948 Israeli genocidal operations in Palestine and wars of aggression on neighboring Arab states.
In support of the policy of establishing a European Jewish colonial-settler "state" in Palestine in the Middle East, most Zionist, British, European, and North American jurists, political analysts, and journalists focused exclusively on the “European Jewish holocaust of six million European Jews in Europe," deliberately neglecting to highlight that it was not the Palestinians or the Arab world that was responsible for the “European Jewish holocaust."
There was no focus on the duty of European governments to rehabilitate the European Jewish population in any country or region in Europe. Political analysts, jurists, and the corporate-controlled media calculatedly ignored the far greater “holocaust” of the Second World War of 27 million Russian Slavs, the civilian population, and military personnel of the former USSR by the Nazi Germany Army, which included regiments and soldiers from all over Europe, including from Poland and Eastern Ukraine. Another figure that was suppressed was that out of the approximately 6 million European Jews killed during the Second World War, approximately 40%; that is, a little less than half of the six million Jews from the former USSR, were “massacred” when the Nazi army and its European regiments advanced on the Eastern Front.
The reason for the exclusive concentration on “the holocaust of the Jewish people” alone and the neglect of the holocaust and genocide of the Slavs by Nazi Germany and by its European regiments; and the failure to focus on the killings of millions in China, South East Asia, and other countries in Europe and the Arab world and North Africa, as well as Japan and Turkey; the hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers killed in Europe; and the millions of Indians who died during the famine imposed by the British in Bengal in Colonial India during the Second World War, was deliberate.
All this was deliberate for propaganda purposes, so as to ideologically justify and advance Anglo-American Zionist and European policy and objectives in the establishment of a Zionist Israeli political entity capable of serving as an advanced Imperialist, military, and Intelligence colonial outpost, controlled by European Jewish leadership allied with the Anglo-American establishment and later with NATO, positioned in the heart of the Arab world in order to seize the resources of this region, including oil, and for strategic control of sea routes controlling trade with Asia, Africa, and Europe, including the Suez Canal.
The eminent Jewish political philosopher of the United States of America, Hannah Arendt, observed with irony, “European powers were attempting to deal with the crime carried out against the Jews in Europe by committing another crime against the Palestinians."