It's not Netanyahu, it's 'Israel'
The problem, then, is not of this or that prime minister, but rather that "Israel" is a state that has instituted a cruel "apartheid" system, meaning that no matter the party in power, "Israel" will continuethe extermination of the Palestinian people without pause.
On a day like today when the Nakba is remembered, it is more than convenient to clearly establish this matter. The thirty-seven governments that "Israel" had since its creation demonstrated a notorious continuity in policies against Palestinians.
How many times have we heard before a new massacre of Palestinian citizens that the tragedy has its origin in the fascist ideological conformation of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu or his reactionary government coalition? This is true only in part because although this character is the one who has held that position of Prime Minister for the longest time since the founding of the Israeli State (more than fifteen years, as of this writing, under three different parliamentary mandates), the genocide in various degrees of viciousness has been the state policy of "Israel", regardless of the ruling party or the ideological profile of its Prime Minister.
That is why on a day like today when the Nakba, or the catastrophe in English, is remembered, it is more than convenient to clearly establish this matter. The thirty-seven governments that "Israel" had since its creation demonstrated a notorious continuity in relation to the policies to be followed in relation to the Palestine nation: massive and persistent violations of the human rights of its inhabitants; "ethnic cleansing" as Hitler did in Germany with the Jews; a “dripping holocaust”, before the complicit gaze of the West and the hypocritical proclamation of its humanitarian values; creation of a huge open-air concentration camp, Gaza, a Mediterranean replica of the infamous Warsaw Ghetto; brutal repression of those who resist the occupation, without exempting family members or neighbors from it, just as Hitler's troops did to fight the maquis in France; unlimited territorial expansion stripping Palestinians of their ancestral lands.
Gaza is a huge open-air prison camp. Located on the Mediterranean coast, it has a small port subjected to a naval blockade by "Israel". In fact, since 2009 it has only been used by small fishing boats that cannot go more than three nautical miles from the coast. The Israeli naval blockade restricts the passage of fuel and many basic products required by the two million people who inhabit the Gaza Strip.
Its small airport was partly destroyed by Israeli missiles and, furthermore, "Tel Aviv" has full control of air traffic, which in practice means that only a few planes can use it with prior authorization from the Israeli authorities. Again, those two million Palestinians are in jail.
In turn, Palestine has been condemned by "Israel" and its American and European partners to be a "pariah state", which was not accepted by the United Nations except, as of 2012, as a "non-member observer state.”
Previously, in February 2011, Washington vetoed a draft resolution to condemn all Jewish settlements established in the occupied Palestinian territory since the “Six Days War” of 1967 as illegal. The American veto completely disregard the fact that the proposed resolution had been supported by all other Security Council members and co-sponsored by over 120 nations of the United Nations General Assembly.
Given the above, there is no doubt that one of the most painful issues in the world today is, without a doubt, the genocide that is being executed in Palestine. Not only because of the unspeakable suffering of that historical people - stripped of their lands, their houses, their fields, repressed with brutal cruelty - but also because of the scandalous stigmatization they suffered by the dominant ideology in the international system.
Undoubtedly, this is the result of the deep penetration of Israeli lobbies in politics and in the decision-making process at the highest levels of the United States, which installed the fallacious image of a democratic, pluralistic, tolerant "Israel" and a Palestine blinded by anti-Semitic hatred. But "Israel" not only demonized a people, but also practiced, with the methodical wickedness of their former Nazi executioners in Germany, a slow but inexorable genocide, in full view and patience of the so-called "international community."
This, it must be said, is nothing more than the handful of old European colonial powers and some other governments that unconditionally submit, we could say creepily without an iota of exaggeration, to the voice of order that comes from Washington, and that makes "Israel" a bulwark of "Western civilization" and renders Palestinians a violent mob inflamed by hatred whose only future can be no other than the "ethnic cleansing" practiced on its territory by the Israeli neo-Nazi regime.
The problem, then, is not of this or that prime minister, but rather that "Israel" is a state that has instituted a cruel "apartheid" system, meaning that no matter the party in power, "Israel" will continue its policies of occupation of Palestinian lands and extermination of its people without pause.
For the Jews it is a state that respects a few democratic norms and guarantees; for the Arabs residing in "Israel" it is a racist dictatorship; and for Palestinians it is a "neo-Nazi state" that, like Hitler's, will not cease its policies of territorial looting and violations of human rights until a superior force compels it to do so. So far there is no glimpse that such a thing could happen, and for this reason, the Palestinian Resistance to the occupation and the attacks of the Israeli government should arouse international solidarity.
Unfortunately, this is not the case, and the trickle-down massacre continues its course due to the indifference of the false and hypocritical custodians of freedom, democracy and human rights of the United States and its allies, who cry out to the sky at the alleged violation of human rights in Cuba, where a protester has never been murdered by police forces, while they complacently look the other way at the dozens of deaths caused in the latest Israeli attacks on Gaza, the overwhelming majority of them being "collateral damage" that had the misfortune to live near where an alleged Hamas commander lived.