The Zionist Entity promotes Iran’s Juan Guaido, the self-described “Crown Prince” Of democracy
Tel Aviv attempts to promote the son of Iran’s infamous dictator, the Shah, as an official representing the Iranian people and democracy, in what Tehran has ignored as insignificant. In reality, Reza Pahlavi has no power or status beyond being the son of a deceased dictator, however, the stunt was clearly an Israeli stab at trying to emulate the West’s failed recognition of Juan Guaido as the President of Venezuela.
On April 16, Reza Pahlavi announced on social media that he was visiting the Zionist entity, uploading an image of an official press briefing. The announcement was entitled “Iran’s Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Visits Israel” and went into ahistorical descriptions of how Israelis and Iranians magically flourished thousands of years ago, by appropriating ancient Persian ruler, Kourosh the Great’s, cordial ties with Jewish people in the land of Palestine.
Reza Pahlavi tweeted that “I am traveling to Israel to deliver a message of friendship from the Iranian people, engage Israeli water experts on ways to address the regime’s abuse of Iran’s natural resources and pay respects to the victims of the Holocaust on Yom HaShoah.” He even met with the Zionist entity’s intelligence minister, stating that "a democratic Iran will seek to renew its ties with Israel and our Arab neighbors”.
Why Is The Shah’s Son Visiting Now?
Over the past years, Western media outlets, even including the most trusted publications like Reuters and the Associated Press, have frequently sought to undermine every aspect of the Iranian government. One tactic that these corporate media outlets have used has been to publish articles about Iran, using the old Imperial State flag that represents the ex-Iranian dictatorships dynasty. Although this flag died in 1979 with the Islamic Revolution that overthrew the repressive regime of Mohamed Reza Shah, the Western media seeks to superimpose it on their audiences in order to replace the actual Iranian flag.
This de-legitimation campaign has become more intensive over the past year, as Iranian-Russian ties have developed; however, despite the various attempts of Western intelligence agencies to cause chaos and overthrow the Iranian government, they have proven ineffectual. The Islamic Republic of Iran is still flourishing despite years of illegal sanctions against the country, condemned even by the International Court of Justice. Tehran’s position has also been strengthened as the multi-polar world order emerges, replacing the one world order of the United States that was imposed by force following the Cold War. Even regional rival Saudi Arabia has normalized ties with their Iranian neighbors, with China as the broker of that peace.
On the other hand, Western power in the Middle East is on the decline and the Israeli regime is suffering an acute crisis on multiple levels. "Tel Aviv" is facing an internal battle between supporters of the far-right coalition of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with clashes on the streets between Zionist protesters erupting and threats emerging of economically shutting down the entity from within. The internal disputes between the two fascist Zionist camps is the cause of great concern within the entity itself, and have even weakened its position to act regionally. In addition to this, the regional resistance that is being spearheaded by the Palestinian people has arisen as a real threat to the Israeli regime.
A united resistance front managed to deter “Israel” from attacking Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound after rocket fire from Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria, put the Zionist regime on high alert and left it with two options; regional war or leave the worshippers alone. This deterrence strategy has put the Zionist entity in its place and achieved a deterrence equation against the Israeli regime that has never been imposed before. This embarrassment was dealt to “Israel” due to the coordination and organizing of the region's resistance forces through Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Instead of weakening Tehran, the game has been flipped on its head and the IRGC was able to help in weakening the Zionist regime, not something they take lightly.
It is in this context that “Israel” officially invited the son of Mohamed Reza Shah, labeling him as a representative of the Iranian people. Reza Pahlavi has no power at all, nor is he any closer to achieving power than the latest descendant to King Farouk of Egypt. What is most comical about the Israeli description of the Shah’s son, is that they call him the “Crown Prince of Iran” and then go on to say that he advocates democracy. This makes sense for the Zionist entity, because they operate an Apartheid regime where 50% of the people between the river and the sea have no rights, yet claim it is the only democracy in the region. However, for the rest of the world, calling a Crown Prince democratic is a clear contradiction; you cannot have an unelected dictator imposed by a foreign regime and label that democracy.
The other aspect to this is that Reza Pahlavi is apparently collaborating with the Zionist occupiers during his visit to occupied Palestine, in order to discuss “the regime’s abuse of Iran’s natural resources”. This point is rather laughable when "Israel" has quite literally diverted water supplies in order to rob Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan of the water resources which would naturally be available to them, whilst completely destroying Gaza’s natural aquifer. The people of the West Bank are prohibited from properly exploiting their own natural resources, whilst the Zionist entity steals their water from underneath them and sells it back to them at a higher price than Israeli settlers pay. In Area C of the West Bank - 60% of the territory - most Palestinians have no access to a direct water supply at all, whilst Gaza’s water supply is 97% undrinkable, and this continues to cause various health problems in the majority child population inside the besieged coastal enclave.
The illegitimate occupying entity that is murdering Iranians, attempting to crush their economy through pushing for sanctions, and constantly threatening them with war, is attempting to use Reza Pahlavi as a puppet, in the same way Juan Guaido was used.
In the case of Juan Guaido, he at least was unknown to most Venezuelans when the West announced that they recognised him as the interim President of Venezuela. Whereas, in the case of Reza Pahlavi, his father's tyrannical dynasty was overthrown due to its horrific crimes against its own people and the Shah’s decision to allow the West to pillage its resources, in return for making his inner circle and minute portion of the population rich at the same time many lived in poverty.
Beyond some small groups of Iranians who live in the diaspora, there are almost no supporters of the Shah’s son, and giving him attention is just Tel Aviv’s petty way of lashing out at Tehran.