writer who had spent extensive periods of time living in the West Bank, working in refugee camps, and has experience mentoring and working alongside Arab and Afghan refugees.
Neither international laws nor humanity applies in Beita or the rest of Palestine; the price of disobedience is death, and Beita is the graveyard.
Palestinian resilience is best summed up by Abeer's quote, "If I must die, you must live - Palestinians are refusing to give up, and neither will we."
An average Ramadan in Palestine consists of excitement, unity, spirit, and energy combined with beatings, arrests, clear provocations, and extra efforts by the Israeli occupation forces.
Whilst Arabs and Muslims the world over argue within themselves about what they should do, what is the best way and most effective way to stand with the Palestinians, the thoughts of the Palestinians themselves are the most revealing.
"He was illegally detained, beaten and brutally killed, so think of his mother: three sons in prison, and her youngest a martyr. Yes, she was in a state of shock."