Academic researcher focusing on the role of US imperialism in West Asia.
It does not matter what the ICJ will eventually assess, since there is only one word that can describe the Western-backed Zionist depravity in Gaza, and this word is genocide.
This is a fight between the majority of people’s freedom vis-à-vis the privileges that a white minority and the ruling segments of the South of the world hold.
It has long been a strategy of the Western political and intellectual apparatus to reduce the entire political history of countries of the global South to the whims and desires of a single man.
Zionists love to capitalize on the Jewish diaspora’s experience of persecution in order to lend some spurious justification to their crimes.
In launching their counter-violence against the colonizers and settlers, the colonized demonstrate a level of careful planning and discipline that defines the objectives of their revolutionary endeavor.
Revolutionary practice will awaken the masses of the region and of the globe, and once that has happened, fate will be sealed for reactionary tyrants and the entity. Victory then is inevitable.