Greece seizes 7 million smuggled cigarettes
Authorities seized an old man's refrigerator truck for smuggling cigarettes into the EU and United Kingdom.
Greece seizes seven million cigarettes in alleged smuggling.
The Greek shipping ministry revealed that authorities seized more than seven million cigarettes were seized.
The cigarettes were meant to be smuggled into EU countries and the United Kingdom.
Officials from the Central Port Authority of Igoumenitsa in western Greece arrested a 64-year-old man from an unknown foreign country on smuggling charges, according to the ministry.
Authorities discovered 7,198,200 cigarettes stashed in more than 5,000 yogurt containers when they confiscated his refrigeration truck on Friday.
The confiscated goods have a total value of more than 1.5 million euros ($1.6 million) in avoided customs charges and taxes.
"The confiscated quantity of smuggled cigarettes was to be distributed on the illegal markets of the European Union and the United Kingdom", the ministry statement added, citing the analysis so far.