UK coffee shop charges double if you don't order politely
This price board is serving as a reminder to customers to remember how important it is to be nice and friendly.
The board from the UK coffee shop (The Mirror)
A coffee shop in Lancashire, UK, is teaching its customers one lesson: rudeness comes with a cost - double what they're supposed to pay.
Usman Hussain, owner of the coffee shop Chaii Stop, enforced this rule recently after, according to Manchester Evening News, he implemented a sign showing the prices of the same drink, but varying depending on how politely they ask.
Hussain opened up his shop back in March to sell chai, desserts, street food, and donuts with the aim of encouraging customers to open up and feel good. However, if a customer asks straightforward for "Desi Chai", the price is 5 Pounds but if they say "Desi Chai please", the cost comes down to 3, and "Hello, Desi Chai please" brings it down to just 1.90 Pounds.
As a result of the sign reminding people of the importance of kindness and politeness, the staff of the shop never faced rude behavior. "I think it's a nice reminder to use your manners, because unfortunately sometimes we do need reminding," he said, adding: "We've never struggled with rude customers but since having the sign people are definitely coming in more open and having a laugh with us. To me, the most important thing in my business is to walk through the door and be treated like you're a welcome guest in our home. It's nice to have that respect reciprocated".
Hussain disclosed to the Manchester Evening News that an American cafe had inspired his motto after stumbling across the post on Facebook and deciding to try it. This prompted customers to behave more politely and friendly, as he said: "I decided to bring the idea into our shop because it fits perfectly into our concept."
He added: "If a customer doesn't use their manners I point to the sign, and they immediately ask again more politely. A lot of people can be quite rude in the mornings while they're waking up but when they see the sign it makes them think. At the end of the day, you never know what someone is going through to make them act rude, but it helps them to drop their guard. It gets them talking - like an icebreaker - and that's what we're all about. Any negativity gets left at the door," he said.