Ansar Allah: Equations have changed, so did rules of engagement
An Ansar Allah official threatens the Saudi coalition with unexpected surprises if its military operations against Yemen continue.
The member of the political bureau of the Ansar Allah movement, Ali Al-Qahoum
The Yemeni Ansar Allah movement accused the Saudi coalition of intransigence and wasting opportunities to achieve peace in Yemen.
A member of the political bureau of the Ansar Allah movement, Ali Al-Qahoum, said in a tweet: "We are approaching the end of a year that was characterized by hesitation, maneuvering, empty promises, open duplicity, and clear intransigence to the countries of aggression, betting on the time factor, wasting opportunities, and narrow options."
Al-Qahoum stressed the necessity to "modify behavior, stop aggression, lift the siege, end the occupation, implement legitimate rights, and leave the Yemenis to solve their problems without external tutelage."
على مشارف نهاية عام اتسم بالمراوحة والمناورة والوعود الفارغة والازدواجية المفضوحة وتعنت واضح لدول العدوان والرهان على عامل الوقت وهدر الفرص وضيق الخيارات لابد من تعديل السلوك ووقف العدوان ورفع الحصار وإنهاء الاحتلال وتنفيذ الحقوق المشروعةوترك اليمنيين لحل مشاكلهم بدون وصايةخارجية
— علي القحوم (@alialqhoom) December 28, 2022
The Yemeni official also threatened to resume military operations against the coalition forces and its mercenaries, saying, "The new year may not be like any of the past years, especially with the continuation of the aggression and siege, and what is coming will be unusual and unprecedented, and it will contain surprises."
Al-Qahoum indicated that the equations have changed and so did the rules of engagement, adding that the elements of force have been strengthened and the equations of response and deterrence have been imposed.
في المقابل العام الجديد قد لا يكون كأي من الأعوام التي مضت سيما مع استمرار العدوان والحصار وماهو قادم لن يكون بعون الله معهودا ولا مسبوقا وفيه من المفاجئات التي لا تخطر على بال ولا في حسبان فالمعادلات تغيرت وتغيرت معها قواعد الإشتباك وتعززت عناصر القوة وفرضت معادلات الرد والردع.
— علي القحوم (@alialqhoom) December 28, 2022
A few days ago, Al-Qahoum pointed out that the US and UK are hindering peace in Yemen and warned of the consequences of the failure to achieve peace.
The Ansar Allah official said that "the door to peace is open and those who hinder this are America, Britain, and their tools from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which refuse to stop the aggression, lift the blockade, and implement the rights in humanitarian files from opening airports and ports, protecting the economy and national wealth, and paying salaries from the oil and gas revenues."
باب السلام مفتوح ومن يعيق ذلك هي أمريكا وبريطانياوأدواتهم القذرةمن السعودي والإماراتي
— علي القحوم (@alialqhoom) December 26, 2022
التي ترفض وقف العدوان ورفع الحصار وتنفيذ الحقوق الشعبيةفي الملفات الانسانيةمن فتح المطارات والموانئ وتحييد الاقتصادوالثروات الوطنيةوصرف المرتبات للكل في الجمهوريةاليمنيةمن عائدات النفط والغاز
On Wednesday, Al Mayadeen's correspondent in Yemen confirmed that the Saudi-led coalition continues to cause casualties in Yemen, as 2,909 casualties were reported since the beginning of the year as a result of artillery and missile strikes by the Saudi-led coalition on the Saada governorate border areas, northern Yemen.
Read more: Saudi coalition siege kills 16% of Yemen's premature babies - reports