Bakhiti: We stretch fourth our arms for peace with Muslim Brotherhood
The Member of Ansar Allah Political Council says that the Movement does not follow the approach of some Arab regimes that demonize the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Member of Ansar Allah Political Council Muhammad Al-Bakhiti
The Member of Ansar Allah Political Council Muhammad Al-Bakhiti tweeted, "Regardless of the disagreements we have with the Muslim Brotherhood, this does not mean that we embrace the approach of some Arab regimes that demonize the group's followers and label them as terrorists in order to crush them for the mere reason of their political or ideological affiliation."
مهما اختلفنا مع جماعة الإخوان المسلمين فلا يعني هذا اننا نؤيد سياسة بعض الانظمة العربية التي تشيطن اتباع الجماعة وتصنفهم بالارهاب بهدف قمعهم لمجرد الانتماء السياسي او العقائدي.
— محمد البخيتي(Mohammed Al-Bukaiti) (@M_N_Albukhaiti) January 6, 2022
لا تزال يدنا ممدودة للسلام مع جماعة الإخوان في اليمن وكل ما نطلبه منهم هو العودة إلى صف الوطن.
"We stretch fourth our arms for peace with the Brotherhood in Yemen," Al-Bakhiti continued, "and all we ask of them is that they return to our nation."
Earlier, Abdul Malik Al-Ajri, another member of Ansar Allah Political Council and the Sanaa negotiating delegation, said on Twitter that the disagreement with Al-Islah party is a "national, not a sectarian, political" conflict.
According to Al-Ajri, the rivalry is caused by Al-Islah's "coup" against Yemen and their support and contribution to Al-Qaeda and ISIS networks.
The top Yemeni figure called on Al-Islah Party to "correct its political behavior in broad cross-national terms."
Deputy Foreign Minister in the Sanaa government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, has lately stated that “the wise leaders of Al-Islah party warned us that they failed to persuade radicals to endorse a pro-peace platform."