Dozens killed in Afghanistan Mosque bombing: Al Mayadeen correspondemt
The deputy governor whose funeral ceremony was being held was assassinated in a suicide attack two days ago by IS-K.
The detonated car that targeted the Afghani Deputy governor, June 2023 (Archive)
A bombing targetted a funeral ceremony of the deputy governor of the Badakhshan province at a local Mosque claiming the lives of at least 16 people from the gatherings, Al Mayadeen correspondent reported.
The attack also resulted in the injury of 6 others, according to the Afghan news agency, Khaama Press.
The deputy governor was assassinated in a suicide car bomb attack two days ago by IS-K. ISIS had earlier claimed responsibility for the car bomb attack, and wrote via the "Telegram" application that "its fighters succeeded in detonating a bomb, targeting the Taliban's deputy governor [of Badakhshan], Mawlawi Nazar Ahmad Ahmadi."
مراسم تشییع جنازه معاون والی بدخشان باحضور اعضای رهبری امارت اسلامی افغانستان برگزار شد.
— BNA Dari (@bnadari1) June 8, 2023
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Back in January, a bombing that killed at least 20 people in the vicinity of the Afghan Foreign Ministry was claimed by IS-K.
The terror organization said in a statement that "Khaybar Al-Kandahari detonated his explosive vest while among the employees and guards of the ministry as they left the main gate."
Read more: IS-K assassinate Afghanistan's Balk province governor
In October last year, fifteen were killed and 40 were wounded in a terrorist attack on the Shah-e-Cheragh shrine in Shiraz.
ISIS then claimed responsibility after the perpetrator was arrested following his injury.