Leaked: BBC Persian journalist says media conspiring to weaken Iran
A leaked audio recording of BBC Persian's Iranian journalist reveals the schemes taking place behind the scenes to weaken Iran.
The studio of the Saudi-backed Persian-speaking channel Iran International (archive)
A leaked audio recording for BBC Persian TV's Senior Presenter, Iranian-British journalist Rana Rahimpour, revealed the real purpose of provoking the riots in Iran recently.
In the recording, Rahimpour said, "Iran International [backed by Saudi Arabia] instructed its employees to only conduct television interviews with leaders of anti-regime parties in Iran."
Rahimpour added, "The disturbing news that I heard yesterday is that the directors of Iran International directed their employees to only conduct television interviews with the leaders of the anti-regime parties in Iran; I mean the leaders of the Kurdish, Lur, Arab and other parties...this is very worrying."
🎙️ فایل صوتی مهم لو رفته از خبرنگار BBC
— خبرگزاری تسنیم 🇮🇷 (@Tasnimnews_Fa) November 7, 2022
ایران «تکّه پاره» و «تجزیه شده» هدف است، نه دموکراسی!
این فایل لو رفته یکی از صریحترین اذعانها از ناحیه خود خبرنگاران رسانههای ضد ایرانی درباره عقبه آشوبها و رسانههایی نظیر بیبیسی و اینترنشنال است pic.twitter.com/uKiEodV5Y9
She pointed out that "the countries of the region do not want a democratic Iran, and if democracy is implemented and the feminist movement moves forward and women take their rights, Saudi Arabia will be the first to experience fear and panic," according to Rahimpour.
The Iranian journalist pointed out, "These people do not care about Iran's future; They are now playing the drums of dividing the country because they want a weak Iran."
Not only is it authentic, it is an "off-air truth"
In an Instagram post, Rahimpour confirmed the authenticity of the leaked audio file and commented on the matter.
However, it is important to note that the Iranian-British journalist's confirmation of the audio recording's authenticity was done through a non-translatable post, written in Persian, on her Instagram.
View this post on Instagram
On Twitter, the same image was posted with no possibility of translation for non-Persian speakers.
— Rana Rahimpour (@ranarahimpour) November 6, 2022
Al Mayadeen has copied the Persian text and translated it, giving readers the opportunity to confirm the information.
The Iranian-British journalist's post reads:
در ساعات گذشته بخشی از مکالمه خصوصی من و مادرم منتشر شده. تنها احتمالی که به ذهن من می رسه اینه که صدای ویدیو چت، از طریق شنود خونه یا موبایل پدر و مادرم در تهران، یا خونه و موبایل من در لندن، ضبط شده. طبیعیه که من در گفتگوی خصوصی با پدر و مادرم شاید حرفهایی بزنم که هرگز علنی نمی زنم؛ حرفهایی که عوامل جمهوری اسلامی به طور گزینشی برای اختلاف افکنی و پیشبرد منافعشون منتشر می کنند. من به همه خبرنگاران فارسی زبانی که در خارج از ایران علی رغم فشارهای متعدد حکومت، در حال خبر رسانی هستند احترام می ذارم.
*انتشار و بازنشر این فایل صوتی بر خلاف خواست من و نقض حریم خصوصی من و والدینمه.
In English, the post explains that
In the past few hours, a part of my private conversation with my mother has been published. The only possibility that comes to my mind is that the sound of the video chat was recorded through the wiretapping of my parents' house or cell phone in Tehran, or my house and cell phone in London. It is natural that I may say things in a private conversation with my parents that I would never say publicly; things that the agents of the Islamic Republic selectively published to create discord and advance their interests. I respect all Persian language journalists who are reporting outside of Iran, despite the many pressures of the government.
*Publishing and republishing this audio file is against my will and a violation of mine and my parents' privacy.
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